Tag: freedom

What Are You Waiting For?

Once upon a time there lived a man with a vision. Visions are not restricted to psychics, lunatics and the Indian Nation. Visions are restricted to those who care, and this man, who enjoyed life because it consisted of Life, had visions of... 14 Jul 2001

Say You Will

Some methods of madness just never seem to go away. They seem to always reappear in new dress or delivery, attempting to capture our interest. Today, it looks like these delivery options are quite workable and successful, but in reality they are... 13 Jul 2001

The Urge of Freedom

Have you ever believed something so hard as to actually not even remember that you willed yourself to believe it in the first place? Have you ever suddenly, out of the blue, just remembered a decision that you made and realized that you had... 12 Jul 2001

Just Desserts

Walking the line of desire, which way will the wind blow this time? Where shall we fall upon landing within the abyss of time and space where the first and last thought merge into the being that others have called "Man". Learning, one never... 07 Jul 2001

Awaiting Your Arrival

It could be looked upon that in the entirety of existence there is the one and only path of true knowledge. All others would then be viewed as being subservient and therefore frivolous. Is there one and only one way to achieve spiritual freedom?... 28 Jun 2001

The Abyss

Practices, religions, ways of life, all express the same desire for release. Freedom, by any other name remains the same. It is the hope that drives Man to the edge of the Abyss, only to falter in uncertainty. Jumping to conclusions becomes self... 21 Jun 2001


Individuation, you've heard the term read about how disadvantageous it is to others, and to the individual themselves. As an alternative, I'd like to express a few alternatives myself. :-) Individuation could be considered to describe a being... 15 Jun 2001

From Here To There

From 'here' to 'there', from 'I' to 'i' and from the third person to up close and personal, whatever the label, it all comes down to the same representation. These terms are employed by those who wish to make a statement about themselves.... 09 Apr 2001

Loving The World

The race is on to become free from the clutches of humanity with the ultimate prize going to those who are able to duplicate the efforts of those who have gone before. This ultimate prize of being one with the Self is nebulous and contradictory,... 21 Mar 2001

Spiritual Freedom: At What Cost?

Strange as it may seem, spiritual freedom has been redefined in some quarters of the religious community. It now comes with a price tag. Shopping for spiritual knowledge is about as ridiculous as an elephant wearing pajamas. Confusing spiritual... 09 Feb 2001

Keeping The Dream Alive

I'm not prone to playing the quotation game and prefer the approach of relating from my own experience and knowledge, so the following, even though the concepts are obviously not new nor original, are entirely my own thoughts on "Keeping The... 17 Jan 2001

The Planet Muldoon

Remember when? Of course, there is always a 'when', but in this particular discussion, the 'when' entails a time of 'freedom'. That 'freedom' is no different than the 'freedom' we are all so diligently and fervently working on, not just for... 27 Dec 2000

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