Tag: earth

Poker At The OK Corral

Creeping in the back alleys along the line of shadow and light gremlins dart to and fro gleefully playing in impish delight. Welcome to the backwater called planet Earth.... 06 Jan 2012

Conflict ala Tribalization

Regionally, the Earth has been carved, divided and continues to be plundered by the various scheming drug lords. Not the so-called 'illegal' drugs, but a drug lord of a different flavor. Perception is the grand design of illusion and as it makes... 04 Sep 2008

Off World, Off Course

As a planetary body this planet contains numerous wonders and delights to behold. The body moves with a grace and balance quite appropriate to it's demeanor. It's not my planet but it is a home to many, many others here - and that is where the... 16 Mar 2007

What's That Smell?

Do you smell it? If one were to extend their senses and allow the intake of experience to make itself known, what would be the result? Upon the air of awareness there lies the fact that Darkness, that inherent factor to which so many either... 19 Oct 2006

The First Peoples Choice

Upon creating a planetary body designed for specific purposes and goals, certain particulars which describe that creation remain attached to it and therefore can be used, by those so wishing, to acquire knowledge on and about it. Consider the... 12 Oct 2006

Complimentary Communique

It has been a long time coming. The choices have been made and the consequences rejected with nary a thought devoted to such childish actions as taking responsibility. The Earth, being the prison so very much enjoyed by the inmates, moves on in... 08 Sep 2006

The Butterfly Effect

No religion on this planet, or anywhere else for that matter, can free one from one's self. We are definitely bound and gagged to the best of our abilities. And we like it that way. So when a new interest comes along, we fervently dive head... 23 Aug 2005

Lights In The Night Skies

There is a relay point in this system around which there is a constant hum of activity. Current events are making good use of this point and there is a fair amount of attention being directed toward the purpose of this relay point. Earth is... 11 Apr 2005

Who's In Charge Of This Planet?

Is there a 'someone' in charge? An elitist group perhaps? How about an alien agenda? Maybe no one is in charge, just our own narcissistic urges. There is a TON of information available that points in all directions, including in and upon itself.... 08 Apr 2005

The Seven Hands Of Justice

According to some, the Galactic Patrol, arbiter and sole discretionary arm of the Council in Sector Nine, has seen better days. It is believed that the organization is nothing but an empty shell of it's once glorious self. As proof of this, it... 30 Jun 2004

Space Flakes

Sometimes I write about the Galactic Patrol, Loyal Officers and other such space-opera subjects. They really don't come to mean very much as diving into these subjects is just another way of keeping the mind busy and occupied. Experience is a... 14 Apr 2004

The Seven Gates Of Hell

For a change of pace, here is some entertainment for you. The Seven Gates of Hell (affectionately called :) )... 14 Apr 2004

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