Tag: earth

Favoring One-Sided Propensities

As we look upon the face of the Earth we 'discover' all sorts of non-sense. From corner to corner there is just too much to take in and relish. As we prioritize our flights of fancy the vision narrows and continues to narrow until such time as... 25 Sep 2022

Drunk With The Power of Conviction

Many who have come have succumbed. This planet is not for the faint of heart and yet it is filled to the brim with converts. Amazingly, nothing changes. So who is fooling who. The sales literature tells us that the emotional content is off the... 25 Aug 2022

Thrashing The Night Away

In trying to escape from our thoughts the hamster wheel becomes but a blur upon the landscape. Over and over we tread the same path expecting different results. Eventually we 'take a break' only to return to the very same sorrows and pain. Is... 25 Aug 2022

Just Sayin'

I've got an idea, let's blow ourselves up! "It's time to celebrate!">... 16 Aug 2022

As The Willow Bends

The Earth, by any stretch of the imagination, is plainly rushing through the universe at quite a high rate of speed. Passing through this and that, all sorts of causes and effects become produced. It's really an amazing sight to see.... 28 Jun 2018

Stop-Gap Shopping

There is nothing to be said here. It's just a break from the last two entries that were recently posted. Sort of like the three little dots at the end of a sentence (partial or complete). Here I'll show you: ...... 25 Feb 2016

Scratching My Head In Wonder

How about a story? In a dream I saw the Earth quietly put out to pasture so as to hide it's pain, anguish and torment. As it is tucked away from prying eyes it's inhabitants endure a freedom not since the Golden Age of Man where all become... 29 Jan 2016

Continuing The Matter

This comes on the heels of my last post. Times are certainly changing, are they not? Personally it looks like I've performed a perfect 180 in the parking lot instead of going, coming instead and instead of coming hither I've gone yonder. Yeah, I... 09 Feb 2013

Here Fishy, Fishy

Bert and Ernie, companions of fishers of Men, called to the deep blue sea, "Here fishy, fishy!" whereupon the sea would produce it's glory, jumping into the boat wriggling to and fro with vigor and vim. Yes, Life does indeed have this quality... 21 Nov 2012

Spiritual Embolism

Times come and go - regular, like the clockwork stroke of the hour, on the hour. Yes, time does indeed subscribe to the march of the wooden soldiers. Endlessly one can view the vista from the comfort of one's lawn chair and delegate to some... 17 Oct 2012

Status Report : 26 March 2012

Recently I've come across a few things here and there on the Internet which pointed out to me that perhaps it is again time to publish another Status Report since a lot has happened since the last one a full two years hence. It's strange that... 26 Mar 2012

Another Day In The Corps

"...every meal a banquet, every paycheck a fortune, every formation a parade..." Of course almost everyone dies in the movie that the above quote was taken from. And here we are on this planet where most individuals are already infected and... 06 Jan 2012

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