Tag: 1999

Thought Processes

Sacred Cow Forum: Reflections: Thought ProcessesBy Paul Misiunas on Sunday, December 26, 1999 - 06:35 pm: Thought progresses from one's own individuality and comes alive upon it's interpretation by those who seem to be currently in a... 28 Oct 2019

Where Is the Savior?

This is another message in our continuing effort to provide the public with honest and fully truthful information. This organization has attempted to convince the public that L. Ron Hubbard is the one and only savior of the human race. He is the... 23 Oct 2009

Eternally Ours

The life we seek is not just of our own, but of corresponding resemblances. Our own inner desires, reflected and propagated thru the ether of unmanifestated physical desires. Eternity lies within us all.... 27 Dec 1999

Surpassing The Unsurpassable

Surpassing the unsurpassable may seem to be quite the task at hand, but actually, the task is only possible upon taking the standpoint of a new evolved viewpoint. As we grow, our teachers become less and less able, or so it seems. In many cases,... 27 Dec 1999

Chance Encounters

Acknowledging others ideas towards greater whole-being survival greatly enhances the sphere of our own individual survival. That is not to say that other's ideas are valid and of sufficient worth whereby they must be relegated to one of... 27 Dec 1999

Plagil's Take On Current Affairs

There always comes a time when we begin to feel the overwhelming urge to respond in some fashion to an outside influence that has somehow impinged upon us. When this occurs then it is we ourselves who we are fighting against when our... 12 Aug 1999

The Kingman Org

(A hopeful fantasy that someday may be true!)... 27 Jun 1999

Through the Mind, Disasters Do Happen

This is another message in our continuing effort to provide the public with honest and fully truthful information.As of late, there is much communication being thrown about as a result of a few, seemingly unrelated, events. Of course,... 09 Jun 1999

The Laws Of Justice

This is another message in our continuing effort to provide the public with honest and fully truthfull information. Justice is not a new idea. It was not invented by our organization even though much has been written regarding this dangerous... 13 May 1999

Where Did We Go Wrong?

This is another message in our continuing series of truthful, public disclosure.Wrongness and rightness are terms that are relative and in that relativity there exists much room for exploration. We have explored much in the years past... 13 May 1999

FZA.ORG: The State of Case, A Personal Report

As a few of you have noticed, the main page at fza.org has taken on a "new" look. I hope that you have been enjoying this change and have taken a moment to reflect upon the current state of clearing in all of it's physical and/or "theta" facets.... 27 Apr 1999

Has the World Gone Mad?

This is another message in our continuing effort to provide the public with honest and fully truthful information.Madness, or more exactly, insanity, seems to be in a heightened frenzy these days. There is a cause for this, as there is... 07 Apr 1999

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