Tag: see

In The Sands Of Time

Eventualities come and go and while some linger most resoundingly do not. There is no here to remain and purposefully so. Change is the name of the game. Wouldn't want the kids to get bored would we? While events come and go there are some... 28 Mar 2024

Into The Arms of Desire

Falling prey we fall headlong into the abyss of ignorance drowning our deep sorrows with glee. It's a wonderful time to be alive! Masking ourselves, we see.... 13 Feb 2023

All Things Come To Pass

As watch idly standing by the Universe unfold all things come to pass and as these very same things come to our doorstep, we run into the night terrorized beyond belief stumbling to and fro trying to gather our wits and yet failing... 11 Sep 2022

Glistening In The Twilight of Our Dreams

As we stand firm that which surrounds us becomes disassociated and in the ebb and flow of time 'reality' becomes convinced of it's nature. It's the old chicken or egg game. The first is the first and so cause comes to the fore. It doesn't... 08 Sep 2022

Walking The Tightrope

Some of us exist purely for speculation while others have a much different agenda and there are plenty of agendas to go around. Looking about we see one thing or another and yet beyond the scope of mortal Man there exists many byways and... 17 Aug 2022

The Plot Thickens

Lost in a maze of wandering projections where oh where can the exit be. Looking to the left, looking to the right, nothing offers salvation. And then, inspiration hits. Shall we play a game? Since there is no way out of this Universe or any... 05 Aug 2022

Wishing Upon A Star

Wishing upon a star against the backdrop of the deep dark blackness of space, loneliness comes full circle and impacts the ground below and above our feet planting us firmly upon the firmament of time, space and the joy of sorrows yet to come to... 21 Jan 2021

I've Seen It All Before

In speaking there is never very much to say or even express. It's pretty obvious that we all share a common bond and in order to acknowledge it's very existence we honor it with our silence. Busy minds can be contagious but like any dis-ease the... 29 Aug 2020

Edging The Winds

Walking down the street along the edge of time we tend to discover and re-cover those things which impinge upon on our 'good will'. Looking out across the vastness of emptiness called space we see and even then we refuse to believe. Oh the... 19 Mar 2018

Coming Face-to-Face With One's Self

Facing one's self is another way of looking in the mirror of Life and Living and coming away with a new respect for what is. All that we see is what we see, no more and no less and when we become enamored with our perspective we glorify... 04 Jan 2012

For He Who Sees, Knows

Chasing our tails, we seem to forever get caught in the whirling vortex of our wake. Thoughts fly in all directions and so do we. Chasing them all, we become scattered and fragmented, lost in the effort. Breaking free is not considered an option... 22 Apr 2005

Life's Purpose

We are all born and we all die. This is true in both a physical sense and in a characteristic fashion. If one know's that our current life is nothing but a continuation of our previous ones then it can be surmised that each and every life has a... 15 Apr 2005

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