Step By Step

The following is a work-in-progress and purposefully so. Therefore it is updated accordingly.


From the unfathomable vastness of Nothingness, movement occurs.


The movement called Creation is purpose and plan.


Dimension establishes the field of play called the Kingdom of Heaven.


In time, space is formed upon which experience unfolds.


Populating emptiness with the Spark of self recognition, the future is divined.


The veil of not knowing is drawn upon the canvas of life and living.


Thus experiencing the Creator, separation is born.


As life unfolds in it's polarity, experience forms and provides for infinite possibilities.


Experiencing the fullness of Creation; home is where the heart is.


Thus lifting the veil the Spark is absorbed and becomes no more.


As the field of play dissipates the movement called Creation becomes no more.


Nothingness ever remains.


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Questions And Answers

Does Creation experience itself?

What is the purpose of Creation?

What is the greatest mystery?

What are the harmonics?

Is it our purpose to 'return' to Creation with our new-found experiences?

Polarity, what does that mean?

What exactly is 'awareness'?

Is my religion the true religion?

According to some there are levels of spiritual growth or 'densities' where we must learn certain lessons before graduating to the next, and to the next. Where does this lead to and why is it necessity?

Does space end?

Why is the world is such bad shape?

Is there other life in the universe?


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From the unfathomable vastness of Nothingness, movement occurs.

The concept 'Nothingness' is one which the mind endures perpetual perplexity as it simply lies well beyond the borders of our own little corner of the universe. How can Man's machinations ever hope to encompass the grandeur of that which lies beyond Man and machine? Striving to take root the mind of man falls flat on it's face and the only hope for recovery is to conjure up some fanciful tale in the hopes that it will pass muster. Machines are not made for quietude but to fill empty space with like kind. Unfortunately, the 'Nothingness' that is being referred to here has nothing to do with that.

The commonly accepted datum that a busy mind is a well oiled machine does nothing to help. Machines are not what we really are but certainly are an expression of that which we are. Beyond this expression, all the way to it's very root, lies the Heart and it is this very center of Creation which points the way from which all movement arises. 'Point' is being used here because though no concept can be had of nothingness our own state of being derives it's very nature from it so there is some sense of origination here. Conceptualization only goes so far in it's ability to provide so-called sensory data for the machine.

It can make one wonder just why it is that we run all over the universe heralding our arrival by exclaiming "Input!".

Do we gather data in the belief that our job is to have the Creator experience itself to the fullest? Do we carry forth the mind of Man in order to avow our claim to fame and glory as being the one with the deepest and riches treasures, the treasure of experience and what that entails?

As we become fuller and fuller with the meaning of life and living our movement upon the Universe at large becomes but a tangled web of self fullfilling delusions. We become as a black hole sucking in all within our reach and smacking our lips with satisfaction as we draw in bigger and ever bigger game. Feeding the machine is so much more than a full time job, it becomes all that there is.

But with all this feeding what are we really doing? Does Nothingness require somethingness in polarization?

So many question do we ask in the search for El Dorado but it all becomes for naught. All this chatter merely dances around the circle of fire without even coming close to jumping in. Beingess is like that - enormously attached to the land of living. Since the only way to restoration is to kill the Beast, then what other recourse do we have but to let the machine lie still.

The flaw is that there is no restoration.

The sense of beingness tends to become so well established that there is little hope other than to let it run it's course. And so, it does.

The Nothingness being described here has no sense of beingness as none can be warranted. The vastness of infinity is but the movement of Nothingness without which neither vastness nor infinity would have their being. Yes, being.

Are we getting a little closer to truth yet?


The movement called Creation is purpose and plan.

In movement, the cyclic nature of 'start-change-stop' is made manifest. As neither 'start' nor 'end' have any bearing whatsoever, Creation comes to be the fulfillment of 'change'. In change, purpose and plan are self-evident. Creation is purpose and plan, the beingness of purpose and plan.

Creation is the beingness of purpose and plan.

There is not a self-awareness involved here as there is no sense of 'other' in the least.

In the definition of movement from Nothing to Something there arises the expression of the ways and means of all that there is, which of course is all that there is since nothing else has existence.

'Change', or Creation, is the embodiment of Movement and is the duration which allows purpose and plan to unfold. Creation provides expression for the duration of Movement. This expression is purpose and plan.

Creation is the utterance of sound from the ever present Silence.


Dimension establishes the field of play called the Kingdom of Heaven.

Change can only occur within borders and boundaries. These dimension points define the canvas upon which the expression of Creation takes form and shape. This canvas of eternity reflects the perfection of Creation wherein complete harmony and perfection is all that there is. Out of the Silence comes the sound of perfection called Creation and within this domain the Father reigns Supreme.

An interesting note is that all movements which arise in Nothingness have a unique tone, or sound. It could be considered to be the vibration of creation. As this vibratory sound expands to fulfill the dimensions of space, all constructs appear.

The dimension of space is unlimited as Creation itself is unlimited. Even though the concept 'space' is being used here it has no bearing. Remember, all that there is, is and it is being called Creation. In purpose and plan, dimension is made manifest with which to encapsulate 'change'.

The canvas is now ready for the expression of Creation - to allow for the fulfillment of purpose and plan.


In time, space is formed upon which experience unfolds.

Time is the awareness of change. In tracking that awareness dimension points come to be established thereby delineating 'space'. In the order of things experience provides definition upon the canvas of time and space.

As the sound of Creation establishes it's presence in the echo chamber called the Universe, life plays it's self out.


Populating emptiness with the Spark of self recognition, the future is divined.

Within the bounds of time and space being comes to be established as it is Creation itself which becomes established as points or 'sparks' from which to view. In containing eternity all points of view are thus viewed. Within boundaries only the bound know of such. In thus binding the sparks of life find purpose and plan.


The veil of not knowing is drawn upon the canvas of life and living.

In finding purpose and plan Creation appears separate and apart and thus knows not of itself but only of others. This spark of life endures being, accumulating experience in order to become the totality that it is.

In thus living life the Spark of Creation is compelled to establish it's sovereignty as it and it alone reigns supreme in it's existence. Life is born and thus becomes sacred, an object of enduring desire to be fully and completely embraced. Parting with life is firmly entrenched as being incompatible with life and in thus sustaining it's own being, longevity becomes established.


Thus experiencing the Creator, separation is born.

As being takes root individual characteristics become embodied in order to walk the land of life and living. All attention comes to be fixated on it's own universe, it's own existence. Embracing it's own being eternity becomes apparent.


As life unfolds in it's polarity, experience forms and provides for infinite possibilities.

The canvas of existence is endless and effort is undertaken to encapsulate it all as experience in order to regain the totality of Creation. Enduring existence through the duality of cause and effect, life and living unfolds.


Experiencing the fullness of Creation; home is where the heart is.

Over time the accumulation of an experiential existence becomes questioned as the emptiness refuses to become filled. What more is there to be had? What more is there that must be accumulated in order to understand one's totality? Turning inward, the road is born.


Thus lifting the veil the Spark is absorbed and becomes no more.

Traveling the road home it becomes understood that one cannot reach Creation through creation. The barriers wrought become no more and the spark becomes no more as well.


As the field of play dissipates the movement called Creation becomes no more.

As time and space become barren purpose is reborn as full-filled.


Nothingness ever remains.

There only is. There only ever was or will be.

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