Tag: Mindless Wanderings

Walking on the Wild Side

Breezing through life and living it can be easily overlooked that there is indeed purpose. From one entertainment sphere to the next our minds can become wrapped and enveloped in things, both physical and mental. How easily our attention can... 08 Aug 2014

...And Your Little Dog Too

It appears that nothing else is going to be made available here so for now, all the action is taking place at my silly little 'blog'. Perhaps the last few articles posted were a transition to that - it sure seems so based purely on content. Lots... 02 Oct 2013

Have An Awesome Day... And Night

This message is for my dear friends: ... 26 Sep 2013

Toxic Wasteland Paradise

I would like to make the recommendation that some awareness and perspective be given to the various scorched earth enablers. Without a strong background of support these entities cannot survive.... 15 Jul 2013

Cutting Room Floor

There have been a few notations that have been made along the way which for one reason or another never made it to Disney-land, so here I am going to throw them all into the pot, of whatever I have, and see what floats to the surface, if... 04 Jul 2013

Prest-o Change-o

The change-over of timelines has come to completion. In this once alternate proposition, now the present can be. There has been and is much submission into the theory and theories of what is fashionably called 'ascension'. Though at times I do... 04 Jul 2013

Seditional Insurrection

Lately it seems that a few updates are in order. In that atmospheric environment the following play-book may be relevant. contact via mental, physical constructs contact via mental, physical constructs fear establishment degenerate... 25 Jun 2013

Decifering Crypto-Analytical Confobulation

How about that title, is it not a doozy?But that is the purpose of what you read in the papers, see before your eyes through media presentation and hear from the proclamations generously handed down from the duly elected body of... 21 Jun 2013

Fancy Foot-Working

I would like to address all the 'Galactic Federation' (and all that that entails) fancy foot-working being undertaken by so many these days. ... 31 May 2013

The Wall of Fire

In one particular 'philosophy' there came to exist a thing called The Wall of Fire. This is not about that and never has been. In this universe time and times come and go like the plagues that they are. (If one does indeed need such then of... 31 May 2013

Status Report : 31 May 2013

The choice of choosing the garden path or the warrior's creed is in high gear. The reverberations of that choice continue to ripple through at it's mid to end point. Facing the music, strings are pulled and the puppets dance. Scorched Earth is... 31 May 2013

Walking Along The Bayou

Wading and wondering, I see. Upon the waters of life and living lie the remains of those best forgotten to the sands of a long time since past. History does repeat itself but in that respect so too does time. In this cycle, though we find... 29 May 2013

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