Tag: experience
In The Still Of The Night III
Quietly, silently, mute. The reign of terror slowly comes to an end and what remains then is a silence deafening in it's display of creation. As all things shout from the very bottom of their being, "I live!" so too does the end of the reign of... 06 May 2009
Pondering The Unfathomable
Here is an entry to demonstrate that time passes and so do we. Among the plenitude of our experience there remains one final push into the reality we most fear - death. Whether the scythe cuts one this pass or the next, all that we can claim... 07 Sep 2007
You Can Stop Now
Thoughts in the stream of time always seem to end up getting lost, waylaid, forgotten, misplaced and perhaps even 'hidden'. As tools of our own destruction we take pride in keeping it all exactly where it should be - every where. In every nook... 14 Nov 2005
Getting Past The Thought
Opinions blind us, thoughts rule us and our own sense of superiority destroys us. They all share a common bond and as Free Zone America upholds directness, so too these thoughts and ideas uphold a common basis through which these find... 31 Mar 2005
Into The Eye Of The Tiger
Fearing the night, there is a tendency to shy away when darkness comes to call. That darkness can be overwhelming and full of one's worst nightmares and fears. It need not be so. Darkness survives, and gains strength, in direct relation to the... 30 Jun 2004
Why Put It Off?
: "Lead, follow, or get out of the way." The universe is pretty much cut and dried. It's one way or the highway. When someone has a goal in mind and their reach encompasses nothing else, then nothing else will matter to them. If everyone in... 30 Jun 2004
Walking Away From Walking Away
Looking in the mirror, from the mirror, the endless depths of our potential can be seen. Endlessly, the possibilities fade into our perspective of view. From here, we can see forever. While the attention is down the track of time, here we... 14 Apr 2004
Taking Oneself For A Ride
Walking away, we tend to seek new experiences, new life, not here, but over there. Somewhere else is where all the happenings take place and we feverishly seek them out. Looking within comes to mean nothing more than a momentary pause in... 14 Apr 2004
Reality Check
What is it about alternate experiences that draws us in? Do we look for relief from the current experiences we are fully immersed within and unable to escape from? Looking beyond our immediate sight, we seek and yet cannot find. Tentatively, we... 14 Apr 2004
Value Fulfillment
The mind knows no bounds - or so it thinks, and this is the position from where all knowledge comes from. Imaginary idealism is effemerous indeed. Vaporware for the masses, so eager are we to embrace and fulfill. Thoughts ponder to and fro, but... 14 Apr 2004
The Gods Are Pleased
Finding the treasures of old, we delight in the seeking. Expending our efforts, we build our reserves for the next. Alone at last, we contemplate our future and create the life we are to lead. Events unfold in their proper time and place. The... 14 Apr 2004
Take It Home Where It Belongs
I've noticed that there are very few people who actually have an interest in Scientology, among the so-called 'Scientologists'. It's a bit strange to watch another stumble and fall and then to fault another for their demise. It's also a bit... 13 Apr 2004