Tag: life and living

Life In Effect

There was a time when Man took it upon Himself to live life to it's fullest in it's most complete depth, breath and meaning. But that is not so anymore. Man Has lost His Way. Today, Man's life encompasses neglect, regret and shame. Always... 22 Mar 2004

I Came, I Saw, I Ran Away As Fast As I Could

It's not always easy to see oneself without all kinds of thoughts and images getting in the way, but it becomes imperative to at least try if one is to set foot upon the path of intelligence. It takes quite of bit of intelligence to see. So much... 02 Dec 2003

Painting With Dreams

A picture is worth a thousand words and yet in our imaginary bubble of existence, we use words stemming from scarcity. Abundantly vocal, we attempt to fill the void and so endeavor to paint our world with thoughts, emotions, feelings and... 03 Nov 2003

Are You Ready Yet?

The Galactic Patrol - What Is It Good For? Space opera makes for wonderful sci-fi stories and events, but in real life it is an entirely different matter. Widening one's scope of awareness sometimes requires various tools and trades. It's just a... 25 Apr 2003

Naked To The Eye

When you look at another, what is it that you see? Do you the petty problems of life and living or do you see the unfathomable spirit within, expressing itself in some small way? How we see those around us is a reflect of how we see ourselves.... 25 Nov 2002

Why Reach For The Stars

Reaching in spaces and places beyond the inquisitiveness of desire, the remains of a past life, long forgotten and lost through neglect, knowledge achieves it's own bitter end. Seeking knowledge, the hope of Man yearns forth in it's garb of... 23 Nov 2002

Which Will You Choose?

Wanting and needing, we stretch our minds to envelope more and more 'space' 'outside' of ourselves. Seeking, we find little that satisfies, and so continue the everlasting quest. Moving forward in haste, we go no where. Never standing still long... 17 Oct 2002

Finding The Free Being

Now that the light of day has begun to shine on the 'FreeZone' (contrary to the 'Free Zone'), the question becomes, "How do I find someone who can help me recognize the Free Being that I already am?". The answer is simple. You.... 30 Sep 2002

Coming Home

Awash on the shores of humanity, where is the escape so cleverly promised to one and all? Alone and lost, the tides seemingly ebb and flow of their own accord. United in defense of our imagination, we create the worlds in which we populate... 30 May 2002

Gaining Ground

Giving and taking, motion in motion becomes excited and charged. The energy charge increases and begins to seek fullfillment outside of itself. It must not be denied. Seeking, it becomes the Vampire at night, sucking from it's prey, life and... 08 Jan 2002

Breaking The Vow Of Silence

Breaking the vow of Silence takes on new meaning when the power of conviction overwhelms the mind with reality. Muffled desire becomes unleashed and the chains in which we have taken solace begin to fall apart with disinterest. When we silence... 02 Dec 2001

There Is Life Even In The Dead

Fulfilling one's duties and responsibilities, what happens next? Where is it that we will be taken to next? Have we reached the pinnacle of our desires or do we continue to create new and interesting twists and turns in the drama of life. Taking... 18 Sep 2001

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