Tag: life and living

No Change Equals No Case Gain

"Case gain" is a term used to describe the effects of realizations about one's self and the resulting freedom or the freeing up of attention units from those places where it has become fixated upon the experiential track. When these attention... 18 Jan 2008

As The World Turns

One good turn deserves another. As the world turns existence becomes perpetuated. Life goes on and though dark and dreary to some and uplifting and rewarding to others, life goes on with or without you. In this conceptual understanding we place... 16 Jan 2008

Where Were You When The Lights Went Out?

There was a time when the lights did indeed go out. The Spark of Creation, sometimes called 'thetan", came to be dimmed and slowly but inexorably, went out. How could this shining star, this perpetual brightness, ever come to be less than... 16 Jan 2008

The Free Zone: What Is It Really?

CBR (Captain Bill Robertson) first brought to light the term "Free Zone" and since then all hell has broken loose. It's really amazing the amount of movement that has occurred from this action and 'seeing the light of day' has brought new... 04 Jan 2008

Driving Miss Daisy

A drivers license is a requirement by the State to ensure that a person wishing to freely move about and on the roadways become identified and identifiable. In order to create regimented and orderly activities upon these roadways, the driver... 03 Jan 2008

Where Have All The Players Gone?

Game-play is a wondrous analogy of occurrence and demarcation in a universe built for change. All change occurs because that is it's nature. Any idea that one may possess, perhaps even to fervently hold onto, will eventually morph into something... 03 Jan 2008

Strange Fate

How does thought develop? How does life experience create a lasting impression whereby similarities and differences become recorded for all of posterity? To what use does one employ the various recordings of life and living? Are we so frightened... 16 Oct 2007

Basking In Narcissism

Expressing our endless right to be, do and have all that we wish for ourselves, we come to fully embrace the perpetual expansion of the rippling effect upon our universe of the drop of our being upon the canvas of life and living. In this moment... 16 Oct 2007

Running Scared

As we pursue our interest and interests in seeking, our attention comes to be fixed on an idea which we truly delight in expressing. Such joy do we find in this expression that we want to ensure that all are able to participate. Unfortunately,... 29 Mar 2007

Pied Piper

Opposing odds, we find a certain comfort and glee within which to live out a contemptuous existence. Neither dead nor alive the actors entertain and with fanciful footsteps ply their trade. Cast aside as not being worthy of note, we roboticly do... 05 Mar 2007

The Center Of Beingness

Out of the center, all things come. Come what may all that we can do is simply to relax into it's fruition and come to be that which we already are. Despite the fact of our own unique brand of foolishness, nothing can change who or what we... 05 Mar 2007

Enough Already

Fright takes us to many places but above all, it takes us to another step closer to who or what we really are. Through tantalizing experience we get to see what we are made of but since our making all originates out of our selves to begin with... 07 Feb 2007

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