Tag: reality

Wandering the fields.... of Life

Life presents it's self in many, many ways and forms. Just when we think we've got it all figured out wham!, a curve ball comes our way. I don't like sports. Mostly because of it's big following, as if it means some thing or another. It... 31 Jan 2022

Foundational Beings

A basis exists upon which the building of all else resolves. It's not the first cause nor the last but something entirely different. Looking through the telescopic lens of a reality that does not exist we see many a sight to behold. All... 21 Jan 2022

Passing The Time of Day II

In a defining moment of our lives reality takes much more than just a blow to the head. It is knocked completed unconscious bordering on consciousness. In a twist of fate we find ourselves displaced in a reality we have comfortably called home.... 16 Mar 2021

Another Trip Around The Bend

Been there, done that many, many times. Some travel ceaselessly with the main reason being that somewhere must come knocking on the door so that it can be presented with hope and surprise. There you are my little precious. But never-never... 10 Sep 2020

The Fallacy of Seeking

Looking and seeking can be a full time job. There is always some pull by those who wish to have you create a different reality for your self. There is also those who push as well but that is a different topic of discussion. Higher learning... 29 Aug 2020

Fury At The Thought

In the thought of being alive, death finds us. In the idea of existence our impermanence frightens us. In vastness of experience we find comfort in narrow mindedness. In the perplexing moment of being we take the rest of eternity to 'figure it... 09 May 2020

Sentry Posting

Stepping up we take root and sometimes when we get lucky enough we catch the wave. Surfing through time and space, it's usually a good idea to don what is appropriate for the occasion. Must we not look astonishingly proper and fit while... 03 Feb 2020

A Shallow Breath Away

The times of times are upon us and yet, and yet there is a nagging feeling in the back of this mind that not all is well in the land of Denmark, dreams and especially in the mirror of life, living and the beyond. Here I sit neither in judgment... 07 Nov 2018

Dirty Harry

There is a lot to say but not much is being said. The other way 'round is that there are a lot of deaf ears and yet the bell continues it's toll.... 04 Jun 2018

The Games People Play

Children love to play games. Beyond the veil of ignorance there are no children because there is no growing up to do. All of that has been left far, far behind.... 16 Feb 2017

Catch The Wave... Again

Did you notice? Last weekend there were some big rumblings in the universe and even though it sometimes seems only those who are intuitive enough to notice are aware of such things well... it usually is true. The thing about reality is that when... 11 Nov 2016

A Friendly Reminder

"Friends..., friends...., who needs friends..." says the mad scientist from Day of the Tentacle. I loved that game when it came out, probably one of the very few that I enjoyed. It didn't help that I spent quite a bit of time trying to get a... 24 May 2016

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