Tag: reality

Somnambulist Dreaming

Reality is such a funny thing as is it's first cousin, perspective. Taking root, we find our place in this Universe and from that little tiny pinprick we take flight venturing out into the 'unknown' lands of beyond. Finding what is real in a... 12 Feb 2024

Jumping To Conclusions

Peeking into the future is like unveiling the bride. It's not always an appropriate or even necessary thing to do. Human nature requires a never ending push into the so called unknown. There must be more, always more. That is the point... 13 Nov 2023

Symbol Of The Ages

There is no way out. I am but a symbol of the ages, born upon the sands of time to demonstrate that indeed, I do live. It's really a false reality but it does make for a good show.... 11 Nov 2023


The explosion of unobtrusive completeness. It's true, we are complete. All the searching, 'discovering' and 'learning' means little as that which we are is already extant. There is no way forward or 'back'. In gazing at the mirror we can... 09 Nov 2023

Anything Is Possible II

In this time of ever lasting love there exists that which lies outside the boundaries and limitations of the playing field. There are fields of play at work here and in a multi-dimensional stance. Where there was one there are the many.... 09 Nov 2023

There Is Nothing To Understand

In the interest in science I have decided to donate the last vestiges of contractual obligations to the burn pit of The Eternal Flame. Let it burn. In releasing obligations I am freeing myself of covenant and restrictions. I am not reneging on... 22 Oct 2023
http://there-is-nothing-to -understand

Eventually It All Caves

Nothing lasts forever. You could say that our spiritual essence survives all but in illusion we made many, many serious mistakes. We tend to think that we are what we are in complete disregard to our origins. It becomes simply a matter of... 19 Oct 2023

Peek And Boo

Languishing while time passes can be a worth-while endeavor and yet the steadfast know of no such bounds. In it's elongation, time relishes the 'unknown' in which to place happenstance. As we pave the road ahead with gold few remain steadfast in... 23 Aug 2023

Traveling That Long Dusty Road

Sometimes it can seem forever when we undertake a journey that we know will be fraught with perils of all types and sort. It's all part of the 'adventure' so to speak. If we were to choose a simpler, easier path our sens of adventure would... 18 May 2023

Traveling That Dusty Road

I've been here before and please, don't make me do it again. In spite of the hesitancy the job always gets done. That doesn't mean it's an exciting thrill ride all along the roller coasters trajectory, far from it. It's all been done before... 03 Apr 2023

There Is No Time Like The Present

I don't believe in time. All things happen, that's it. I know that can be a hard pill to swallow but none-the-less, there it is. Getting caught up in a world of 'reality' is quite time consuming. There is always something to do,... 21 Dec 2022

Evaluating Evaluation

As the tumbleweed makes it's way across thick and thin the scenery adapts to it's adventurous spirit. Rolling and toiling, the aftermath seems but a shadow of what is to come. In repetition we tend to find solace, or so the tumbleweed proclaims... 24 Nov 2022

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