Tag: Mindless Wanderings

The Octopus Of Our Dreams

"Oh Charlotte, what a tangled web you weave." Dreaming is that thing we do each and every day as we arise from our fit-full slumber and look forward to the day's activities, the day's experiential delights. Cotton candy never looked so good!... 17 Oct 2008

Time Flies, But Does It Ever Get Tired?

Time is running out! You've heard it all before. Limitation, lack and just plain 'ol destitution. No time for this, no time for that and especially no time for doing what is right. Busy, busy, busy... It makes the mind spin and spin just... 17 Oct 2008

The Killing Fields

It's called planet 'Earth', home to the rich and fabulous, beggar to the god of Capitalism. The 'economy' is such a hot topic in materialism since it's heart and soul lies in climbing up the food chain with a fist full of dollars in order to... 09 Oct 2008

Pay The Piper

What does finding one's way have to do with living in the world of Man? Are we to keep ourselves busy in the time of need so that other, more important matters may be dispensed with and laid in the realm of 'lost and forgotten'? Attention is... 26 Sep 2008

Copyright Is A Term Of Commerce

"Copyright" is a term of commerce and therefore can never be applied to that which is of the spirit. What is a 'business-man'?... 11 Sep 2008

Out of Sight, Out of Mind

This section of the Universe is a bit out of the way much like a backwoods outpost stuck in the middle of no-where serving no other useful purpose than of being there, of having or establishing a presence. It's like making one's self known and... 04 Sep 2008

Life Is Worth Living

Life is said to be worth living, but isn't that what Life is all about anyway? Confounding simplicity creates the hardships which we gleefully throw at ourselves each and every day. The only hardship that exists is the effort in which we place... 27 Aug 2008

Searching For El Dorado

"There's gold in them thar hills!" Searching for the lost city of gold keeps many a Man busy. The ultimate achievement, the par excellence is to be sniffed out and grasped with glee shown to the world for it to be what it is - perfection! In... 27 Aug 2008

Look, It's Elvis!

The 'ol swinging hips are everywhere, gyrating this way and that to a tune no longer heard or believed in. Yes, believed in. We all live in appropriate times experiencing appropriate events. This universe does not make 'mistakes'.... 21 Aug 2008

The Way To Happiness: Food-Body

Perhaps you've heard the term "meat-body". It could describe a human on this planet who thinks that all he is is purely himself or his body. The term could also describe a human who, through a carnivorous diet, becomes the meat he consumes.... 19 Aug 2008

Seeing Is Believing

In times of trouble Man strives to reach new heights of being, of leaving that which is undesirable far, far behind. In extending his grasp Man pulls from deep within himself the motive and action for plotting a new course, a course which will... 13 May 2008

Enlightenment On A Dime

Going cheap we get cheap. In our quest for always low prices our capitalistic tendencies get the better of us by enticing the money in our pocket to be forthcoming. Public institutionalized schooling has taught us well - to be good little... 13 May 2008

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