Tag: Mindfull Wanderings

Complimentary Communique

It has been a long time coming. The choices have been made and the consequences rejected with nary a thought devoted to such childish actions as taking responsibility. The Earth, being the prison so very much enjoyed by the inmates, moves on in... 08 Sep 2006

Ayes And All

There is a point of no return and at the very moment, at the very edge of awareness, when that happens it's all over. Gone are the memories, the photographic memorization of one's life, of the hopes and dreams of what is, was and is to come. If... 06 Sep 2006

Lights In The Night Skies Part II

Light travels everywhere. From sun blinding heights to the darkest depths, light comes to be seen - and appreciated. Looking up into the heavens one can sometimes catch a glimpse, or two, of events born of time and space interacting with the... 05 Dec 2005

Been There, Done That, Now What?

Life has an infinite capacity to move along, to evolve along it's own lines of purpose and plan (or so it seems). In this evolution we many times find ourselves in situations and conditions where we begin to take a deep look into our own nature,... 21 Sep 2005

Thetan, Beingness And Spiritual Freedom

This comes from the 'official' organization's definition which can be found at: http://www.scientology.org/gloss.htm thetan: the person himself-not his body or his name, the physical universe, his mind, or anything else; that which is... 09 Sep 2005

Anchor Points

As we all know, an anchor is something which is used to secure an object in place and from which a sense of confidence or stability is reached. Securing a boat to the sea bottom prevents the ship from floating aimlessly about and gives one a... 07 Sep 2005

Taking A Step Back

I've been reviewing and sorting a fair amount of communication that I've accumulated over the years and in taking a step backward to get a better overall view of exactly where things have come and just as important, where they are going, reveals... 16 Aug 2005

The State Of Clear

The state of Clear is such an interesting phenomenon when viewed from the point of view of every-day man. To the blind who walk the Earth, this state appears desirable only in relation to their every-day existence, of how it can be improved.... 10 Aug 2005

The Fear Factor

When members leave the 'official' organization one of the consequences of doing so is the instillment of fear. There is a palpable sense of fear which envelops the person and this makes itself known as, among other things, not wanting to be... 08 Aug 2005

Falling Into Agreement

How easy it is to claim an understanding of the philosophies of Scientology and yet be completely ignorant of them at the same time. Talk about a dichotomy! These days it becomes so easy to idealize just about everything and then when it comes... 25 Jul 2005

Country, What Country?

Forum: Deception & Control Let me get this straight:... 20 Jul 2005

The Black Panther

Looking in the mirror we see ourselves and in that seeing we come to define ourselves as being. Unfortunately, when we try to fool ourselves by having a memory lapse that we are already being, we come to believe in all sorts of realities and as... 05 Jul 2005

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