Website Happenings
It must be a life-long quest - the perfect website both in content and context. Well, it's never going to happen but it is sure fun along the way. All sorts of things and such pop up here, there and everywhere. We do influence our environment by not only our actions but our thoughts and words as well. Through this 'happening' this website continues it's drive down memory lane.
The latest news in regard to this is that user commenting has been, once again, thrown out the window and the format has been pared down out of respect for the minimalist viewpoint. I suppose this could also be described as being bound by a more direct route. Simple, straight-forward and as the arrow which flies true.
This straight and narrow causeway allows one to travel lighter in order to shake one's booty to the tune of "travel light, travel fast". It's really amazing to watch the turn of the wheel of events take shape and form and play out upon the stage of earthly delights. "May you live in interesting times."
Along these lines a few other comments need to be disclosed:
- The cutting of the cords (see The End-All Of Be-All ) has been completed.
- Nothing that is written upon the sands of Gathering Minds should be taken as truth. You are your own truth and there is nothing else apart from that. All proposed viewpoints are but points upon which one may or may not attend to. It doesn't really matter. What does matter is what you find in your own Heart though whatever it is that you do find is that which you have put there to be so found. Funny business!
- Perhaps it can be concluded "It is done." I would certainly be among the first to raise a hand and toast to that fact!
- Now that it appears as if there is a new circus in town I smile with delight.
- Crossing the threshold one must step lightly or be caught off guard as the toe gets caught in the forward momentum of a yet again bungled attempt at coming home.
- The only choice Man ever has and will ever have is waiting for the crossing guard as the venturing forth unravels.
Thanks for tuning in.