Tag: time


Sometimes the broom comes out and things get swept from here to there. In the motion all sorts of other things also become lodged, dislodged and shuffled about. Like a dusty floor one can watch the fine particles float hither and... 21 Aug 2013

Continuing The Matter

This comes on the heels of my last post. Times are certainly changing, are they not? Personally it looks like I've performed a perfect 180 in the parking lot instead of going, coming instead and instead of coming hither I've gone yonder. Yeah, I... 09 Feb 2013

Here Fishy, Fishy

Bert and Ernie, companions of fishers of Men, called to the deep blue sea, "Here fishy, fishy!" whereupon the sea would produce it's glory, jumping into the boat wriggling to and fro with vigor and vim. Yes, Life does indeed have this quality... 20 Nov 2012

Spiritual Embolism

Times come and go - regular, like the clockwork stroke of the hour, on the hour. Yes, time does indeed subscribe to the march of the wooden soldiers. Endlessly one can view the vista from the comfort of one's lawn chair and delegate to some... 16 Oct 2012

Project Looking Glass : The Merging of The Timeline

Cubes of color reveal all sorts of golden information but of course if one is not quite attuned in the proper direction well then all sorts of grey area matter become standard fare. Checking the Book of Life it becomes plain to see that was... 16 Feb 2012

Finding A Safe Haven

In some circles the search for fame and glory come via the inclusion of the human sacrifice called the end times. While time resetting has been in vogue there appears to be a very different enticement being played out upon the hardened hearts... 18 Jan 2012

A Sight For Sore Eyes

In changing we promote decay as the old must pass the test of time to never return... or does it? Events seemingly beyond our control force us to follow the spiral to it's bitter end. Down, down into the depths of our own torment do we plough... 15 Dec 2011

Passing The Time Of Day

Day or night the passage of time comes to be inevitable. Lazily we stand by the sidelines waiting and watching life pass us by wondering in despair when it will be our turn. Yes, when will it me my turn!?... 14 Jun 2010

Time Flies, But Does It Ever Get Tired?

Time is running out! You've heard it all before. Limitation, lack and just plain 'ol destitution. No time for this, no time for that and especially no time for doing what is right. Busy, busy, busy... It makes the mind spin and spin just... 17 Oct 2008

Time Stood Still

Taking a deep breath, drawing in the universe of experiential delight, we sometimes lose ourselves to the lust and glory of immersion. Losing ourselves we take flight and in this fanciful dream-like quality we come to embrace life and death and... 28 Mar 2008

No Change Equals No Case Gain

"Case gain" is a term used to describe the effects of realizations about one's self and the resulting freedom or the freeing up of attention units from those places where it has become fixated upon the experiential track. When these attention... 18 Jan 2008

Stuck In Time (Forum)

Have you ever come upon a moment, thought, or experience and found that whatever you do, it just doesn't seem to "go away". Besides being called an "engram", "by-passed charge", or "mis-emotion", it all amounts to the same thing - being stuck. A... 13 Apr 2004

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