Tag: Mindfull Wanderings

Mirsu, the Age Old Telepath

Mirsu is such an interesting character and comes with a long and colorful history. There are a number of 'claims to fame' with which he has been involved with, among them the "We Come Back" episode. This episode required a lot of concerted... 22 Nov 2001

There Was a Warning Given

When you are told that your time is at hand, it will already have been too late. Hubbard was imprisoned, drugged and maltreated by the people of his own organization. The only reason he lasted as long as he did was to pay the price that must be... 18 Nov 2001

The Fate Of Clearing Technology

From out of the maelstrom, comes the blade that cuts and binds. From it's action, we see the results of experiences we so very much wish to own. Tempestuous times call for tempestuous memories, but in reality, neither exist. Becoming an OT... 10 Nov 2001

Getting Rid Of Theta

Theta comes in all sizes, shapes, colors, flavors and dress. Sometimes it even comes as the damsel in distress. The trouble with theta is that they stick to everything that isn't nailed down, and many times, even that. You can't get rid of it no... 26 Aug 2001

'Rightness' of Game

When we start to play the 'rightness' game, who will be the survivor? To what depth of understanding will we play our games with the black and white hats and to what extent will we allow the enjoyment of them to escape our grasp. There is a... 24 Aug 2001

Pointing Fingers Tell Tales

THAT organization doesn't have the correct technology. THAT organization doesn't use standard scientology and is therefor a waste of time. THAT organization uses altered technology and produces an overt product. Pointing fingers tell tales and... 24 Aug 2001

Group Processing

Long, long before the Confederacy, there came to be a civilization proud and strong of good intent. These people were in their early stages of development, and even though many, many ways and means were tested and tried, the general direction... 04 Aug 2001

Mass Has Weight

Mass has weight. If you've ever felt a dark cloud hanging over you, then you would know just how heavy the feeling is. It weighs a ton and is heftier than a load of bricks. It helps to build strong bodies 12 ways. 1. A strong body is a desirable... 04 Aug 2001

Xenu: The Foe That You've Always Wanted

Bad guys come and go in this universe, good guys as well. What does not follow this rule is 'you'. No matter where you go, there you are, always to be found. This does not change and never will. Xenu, is the embodiment of the darker side of... 14 Jul 2001

The Basis For 'Messed Up Case'

You will see it no matter what type of clearing that is done. It happens in the Church of Scientology. It happened in the Free Zone. It happens with such-and-such and it even happens with so-and-so. The names of the auditor and the organization... 12 Jul 2001

Embracing Universal Action

I do not audit. I have no scn materials in my possession. I do not own or use an e-meter. I have no scn technical training to speak of. I am neither a member nor an associate of any group or organization. I do not study or follow any particular... 04 Jul 2001


Out in the cosmos near a now decaying galaxy, there is a chunk of rock, a by-product of that galaxy's creation on which can be found a hand-written epitaph: EntrustedWithin the universe there came to be, turmoil.In His wisdom, God... 31 May 2001

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