Tag: power

Standing Upon The Precipice

Power is a strange thing as envisioned. It's but a lie of course but in the acceptance it becomes as true as true is. In perception reality takes form and shape sometimes to our complete 'surprise' and at other times as a self deserving... 09 Nov 2023

The Way To Create Power

"An individual's ability to generate power by his own consideration depends utterly upon his ability to position himself It's as simple as that." Transcript of the lecture "Exteriorization", by L. Ron Hubbard, 1955 This sums up the... 19 Jul 2011

Organizational Discombobulation

Organizations love organization. Everything must be 'just so', all in their proper place. Predictably, it becomes all very much predictable. &In the pause between breaths where computation completes it's realignment all outside activity... 15 Jan 2010

The Force Of Mind

Power lies in the ability to "do" things, to have things "get done". The more power one has the more that things will come to fruition the way one desires. We all control our destiny do we not, and in so controlling we bring to bear the power of... 02 Jan 2007

Fearing The Wolf Devouring Our Souls

Awareness and insight do not come to those who mindlessly bask themselves in the glow of darkness. Surrounding oneself with hegemony feels good to those who hold the reins but make no mistake about it, when one is on the other end of those reins... 17 Apr 2005

Muscular Apathy

Here in the fascist United States of Doom the social engineers cater to the elitists who, of course, have nothing in mind but their own purposes and plans. And since anything repeated enough creates boredom, these engineers constantly change... 15 Apr 2005

The Life We Lead Is Not Our Own

Scurrying through life, where are the ever-lasting rewards which we so desperately seek through the use of the frivolous day-to-day activities we undertake to be of import. Therein lies the turmoil. The importance of activity reveals the... 13 Apr 2005


There are SO many promises made by the various 'native' groups on this planet who make promise after promise of a better 'life', a more 'prosperous' existence, a more 'powerful' influence over others. These long lists of propaganda, peddled in a... 11 Apr 2005

Who's In Charge Of This Planet?

Is there a 'someone' in charge? An elitist group perhaps? How about an alien agenda? Maybe no one is in charge, just our own narcissistic urges. There is a TON of information available that points in all directions, including in and upon itself.... 08 Apr 2005

The Acsension Experience - Will You Pay The Price?

There is a thought process making the rounds in the 'FreeZone' (contrary to the 'Free Zone') and it is being promoted as the answer to 'fix' the problems inherent in previous 'ascension states'. An 'ascension state' could be defined as being a... 30 Jun 2004

The 'FreeZone' Roller Coaster Ride

After a tumultuous roller coaster ride through history, what else can a collection of 'spiritual teammates' do, but to foment a desire to just get off and take a rest. Well, the rest is here.... 14 Apr 2004

Freedom From Being 'Cleared'

The 'FreeZone', like many individuals who have 'freedom' on this planet, survive and gather their so-called strength from controversy. Without it, they are doomed to die a quick death. Without something to keep their attention and emotions on,... 14 Apr 2004

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