Tag: life and living

I've Seen It All Before

In speaking there is never very much to say or even express. It's pretty obvious that we all share a common bond and in order to acknowledge it's very existence we honor it with our silence. Busy minds can be contagious but like any dis-ease the... 30 Aug 2020

Here, There And Everwhere

It's neither here nor there. It's everywhere. This isn't about how we are all 'connected', how lines of control embrace all the good little boys and girls of the universe so as to make us all one. We are not one because there is no 'we'.... 28 Aug 2020

Where's Waldo?

To live in interesting times makes and creates some very good tales to tell around the campfire. It seems we are in the time of revealing. What one thought of as being 'real' has the king's bare nakedness in full revelation. We see not what we... 07 Jul 2020

The March of The Wooden Soldiers

Step by step things are moving along on the road of certainty. It is a well-travelled road filled with all sorts of experiences. Perhaps that is the point of the road itself but don't tell those upon it, especially those full immersed within... 29 Jun 2020

We Still Are What We Are

Stretching the lie with which we have coddled and nurtured ourselves with, how do we come to know that what we believe is no longer an option. Where is it in time and space that we will find ourselves pondering and wondering about our current... 29 Jun 2020

Stepping Back In Time

In time all things happen. Sometimes the wait can be worth it and at other times the wait never seems to end but in either case the passage endures. Sitting in a lawn chair and finding entertainment just for amusement purposes eternity passes by... 09 May 2020

On The Shoulders of Giants

Standing, we fall. Falling seems to get our attention to a much greater degree than just waiting around for the drill Sargent to choose our face for special treatment. We can't hide and we can't run but passing out... now there is a great job... 11 Mar 2020

Come On Baby Light My Fire

Sometimes the call goes out and through deafened ears the message received is nothing but background noise to which we ever-pleasantly ignore. Of course this has nothing to do with the point being made here at all. Receptions are a funny thing... 18 Dec 2019

Another Uneventful Day

In retrospect I see that in day-to-day operations there is just nothing going on. If one partakes of the concept of experience and it's tag-along buddy karma it's quite easy to see how one's life and living experiment is coming full circle.... 26 Mar 2018

Edging The Winds

Walking down the street along the edge of time we tend to discover and re-cover those things which impinge upon on our 'good will'. Looking out across the vastness of emptiness called space we see and even then we refuse to believe. Oh the... 19 Mar 2018

It's Just You

When I Stumble... Will you catch me if I stumble and begin to fall?... 27 Sep 2017

Ding-Dong The Witch Is Dead

Silly 'ol witch, thinking that all is well and good needles and pins and... oh my! Life finds a way. I have no clue as to what that really means since I'm not a 'lifer' so to speak. I do look in the mirror of life and living from time to time... 30 Aug 2017

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