Tag: Mindless Wanderings

Bending Time

According to our own will we look upon the Universe as being a place. Within that place we endeavor to seek out and take within the experience which we place there for ourselves. Defining time and space, we come to live life to the fullest. Of... 08 Sep 2003

Tracking Eternity

Looking for the pot of gold can turn into something completely unexpected. Seeking, we tend to become lost in the "process of". Whether we become embroiled in climbing the ladder of success or in becoming 'spiritually enlightened', the... 03 Sep 2003

Taking It Personal

Persons and personalities are not of interest here at Free Zone America. It does not matter in the least whether L. Ron Hubbard smoked Kools or not, what clothes he wore or who he said what to. That goes for anyone in, on or around the subject... 19 Aug 2003

Pass the Automaticity

Excuse me, Sir. Would you mind passing that Automaticity? Working on automatic, how does one develop an understanding of life's purposes and designs? In a word - impossible.... 23 Nov 1998

Winds of Change

The power of a spiritual being comes not in what they proclaim to be power, but in what form their actions take. Power is not something that is spoken. To speak with power is to convince others of your own nebulous power. If others believe, then... 21 Aug 1998

Walking Among The Dead

Many firmly believe that the souls who walk the Earth exist only in a sleep state. Some dedicate their entire lives to defining precisely what this sleep state is and correlating their assumptions with everyday life. Examples abound, but what of... 21 Aug 1998

Eggshells and Banana Peels

As we tread thru life, we gingerly walk upon eggshells hoping that our footsteps do not disturb more than what we bargained for. What a pity. I'd rather slip on a banana peel than to be so afraid of my actions that I become introverted in life.... 21 Aug 1998


There he was on the rooftop, how could anyone, I should say, how could I have missed him before. That creature really created hell for this planet. First he came, we being a peaceful planet thought he also came in peace, but that was a terrible... 09 Aug 1992

There I Was

There I was just walking down the street, minding my own business, just looking around. Now don't forget, I wasn't bugging nobody, not a soul. Not me because I'm not that kind of guy. Well anyway, there I was, just me, and all of a sudden before... 09 Aug 1992


"Enat, when will the Krevue become what all the rest have thought it to be?" "In due time my son, in due time."... 09 Aug 1992


Apollo Twelve was so far man's greatest achievement in space. From the beginning of time man wanted to reach out to the vast unknown of outer space and discover. To be able to reach out and touch the planets was a dream beyond compare. Then man... 09 Aug 1992

The Resistance

The resistance.Powerful against its opposition it awaits its day. Jud was traveling through the space warp deciding just what it was he wanted to do.With time on his hands his choices seemed infinite yet very limited as well.... 09 Aug 1992

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