Tag: Mindless Wanderings

Crash Test Dummies

They have a life of their own. Just sitting there until being put to use, the life they lead is not their own. That is their life - waiting to be made use of which in and of itself is not necessarily a negative but in this case it certainly is.... 19 Jan 2010

Step By Step

... 15 Jan 2010

The Truth of Today

The truth of today is but the darkness of tomorrow. Seeking the light, we yearn to be free of the truth of our forefathers in much the same way that our progeny shall rid themselves of the wisdom of the ages. The wisdom that was hard fought is... 23 Oct 2009

Drawing To A Close

Drawing to a close there is not much left to be said, to be done or even to be hinted at. Right now there are so many things or 'pokers' in the fire that eventuality shall reach it's fulfillment in no short order. Sweeping the land, the swept up... 06 Oct 2009

Old Habits Do Die Hard

The once peaceful rolling hills of despair have been turned on it's ear. No longer are the destitute and dying finding a place to swing their hips to the ever popular dance beat called 'survive'!. Languishing in self pity the sheep have nary a... 09 Sep 2009

Devil Diving

"Good... bad... I'm the guy with the gun."Army of Darkness In goodness there is evil and in evil, there lies goodness. One without the other is like missing a dance partner while shimmying and shaking to the latest dance craze. Two... 18 Aug 2009

From The Heart

Working our day to day magic we encumber ourselves with ourselves and as we carry the burden no one else wishes to bear we are left alone - destitute and dying to be reborn. Ever onward we plow ahead despite and in spite of any thing and any one... 13 Jul 2009

Scribbling Our Wishes Upon The Universe

The Age of Innocence is rapidly drawing to a close. Leaving the embrace of childish pursuits behind maturity begins to work it's magic. It's a maxim that no child is left behind because as children our own temptation requires of us to be self... 25 Jun 2009

Doing The Creation Balance Two-Step

Creeping slowly upon the sleeping, the unawares, effectual time comes inevitably knocking on our door seeking recompense. Karma in it's insistence on becoming real nourishes us with it's delectable delights and yet we always seems to mourn... 27 May 2009

In The Still Of The Night III

Quietly, silently, mute. The reign of terror slowly comes to an end and what remains then is a silence deafening in it's display of creation. As all things shout from the very bottom of their being, "I live!" so too does the end of the reign of... 06 May 2009

Changing The Guard

Here is something a bit different from an 'outside' perspective. "Changing the guard" is a process where planetary inhabitants are introduced to an alternative change of pace. Typically, evolutionary processes dictate that the prey must become... 22 Apr 2009

Fishing At The Edge Of Time

Coming to the water's edge we bait the hook to see what will come our way today. Eagerly awaiting the purpose of life we sit for a spell and gaze into the far reaches of our imagination, seeking and yearning for the thing which exists just out... 21 Apr 2009

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