Tag: time
Portals of Imagination
Since we all know by now that time does not exist, portals of dimension can be addressed. Not really addressed but brought up for a lookie-see. Perception is like that, brought about by propagation of ideas and cemented in relationship into a... 08 Sep 2022
Time Has No Essence
The subject of 'time' can be haunting. Escaping it's grasp can be like the paper from which the fly never escapes. Written upon the sands of time the inevitable 'happens'. I will make it plain.... 30 Aug 2022
http://time -has-no-essence
Just Sayin'
I've got an idea, let's blow ourselves up! "It's time to celebrate!">... 16 Aug 2022
Is It Time For A Good Laugh?
We are told that planets exist, our souls can be saved and that we are but mortal Man battling the war of good against evil. All that we are taught and take to heart becomes instilled in our nature. We become that which we subject ourselves... 01 Aug 2022
Passing The Danger Zone, Out For A Thrill
Wreckless are the dangers ahead as we speed into oblivion and seek recompense for our ways and means. There is always a battle afoot and yet here we are, battling as if our very lives depended upon the outcome of our dreams. As we instill... 26 Jul 2022
Struggling Through the Soup of Eternity
Lives are won and lost on a dime and yet here we are, living out our hopes and dreams waiting for a savior to nonchalantly pass by and give us the big notice. Yes, we are here! Jumping up and down we excitedly call for grace, and then we... 25 Jun 2022
There Always Comes A Time
Upon the sands of time all comes to be revealed. Sooner or later all those nasty buggers hiding in the closet of our choice comes to be not only revealed, but with an audience gasping at the horror, suddenly and unexpectedly laid bare. Nakedness... 19 Jun 2022
The Symbolic Symbiosis of Imagination
In tethering the connections we tend to suborn the fact that our lives are lived not in independence but upon complete dependence. We depend upon others to establish a righteousness through we we find solace and yes, glee. Lost in imagination... 22 Mar 2022
http://the-symbolic-symbiosis -of-imagination
Mouse Trap
There was an old game that was quite a barrel of monkeys to play and enjoy. It involved an elaborate scheme via a convoluted methodology to indicate and entrap the ever-elusive mouse. It involved quite a setup but keeping in mind the eventual... 24 Dec 2021
Engaging Overdrive
Time is of essence. If you believe that then surely the Easter Bunny is not far behind. There always seems to be this thing called belief that hangs in the air emanating odors which could be classified in the 'unpleasant' category quite... 10 Nov 2021
Breaking The Glass, Escaping To Freedom
Limits to the imagination pop up seemingly every where we look. If in space no one can hear you scream then surely within the vastness of our own sense of self realized gains, the torment we lovingly create for our reflected nature must indeed... 02 Nov 2021
Wishing Upon A Star
Wishing upon a star against the backdrop of the deep dark blackness of space, loneliness comes full circle and impacts the ground below and above our feet planting us firmly upon the firmament of time, space and the joy of sorrows yet to come to... 22 Jan 2021