Tag: 2001

Value Fulfillment

The mind knows no bounds - or so it thinks, and this is the position from where all knowledge comes from. Imaginary idealism is effemerous indeed. Vaporware for the masses, so eager are we to embrace and fulfill. Thoughts ponder to and fro, but... 12 Jun 2001

Continuity of Choice

Mindless chatter, ever reverberating within the walls of our own choosing, incessantly calls for our attention. What if we were to let the moment pass? Would the echoes stir some long forgotten memory of what once was as a remembrance of some... 11 Jun 2001

The Fox

I am the lost child of Illusion, the wondering hobo of Neglect and the bastard of Unknowing. There is no life within me except by my own hand of deception. The acropolis of destruction has come and gone leaving only happiness in it's wake. There... 11 Jun 2001

Just Another Lazy Summer Day

Long lost within the echoes of our thoughts, we seek out others of like mindedness wondering if each is as capabile as we hope that they will be. Reality sets in and nothing remains the same, the dream shatters the imagination and turns the... 10 Jun 2001

Release Me

There was a time when thought was the commodity of life. Everyplace where one looked, it was to be found, and if not present in perception, then certainly created in imagination. A commodity is like that. If one doesn't have it, it gets created... 08 Jun 2001

HK : Show and Tell

Particles = pictures. Pictures are worth a thousand words. Maybe thats why there are so many damn pictures floating about. Observing these haphazardly strewn about, is it any wonder that "thetans" will begin "tuning" them out?... 01 Jun 2001


Out in the cosmos near a now decaying galaxy, there is a chunk of rock, a by-product of that galaxy's creation on which can be found a hand-written epitaph: EntrustedWithin the universe there came to be, turmoil.In His wisdom, God... 31 May 2001

The Seven Gates Of Hell

For a change of pace, here is some entertainment for you. The Seven Gates of Hell (affectionately called :) )... 31 May 2001

Forbidden Fruit

There exists a time when all Life began to shine as individual components of something far greater than that small speck of thought, way in the back of the mind, that insistently calls for resolution. Circling, the thought never becomes... 29 May 2001

Reality Check

What is it about alternate experiences that draws us in? Do we look for relief from the current experiences we are fully immersed within and unable to escape from? Looking beyond our immediate sight, we seek and yet cannot find. Tentatively, we... 10 May 2001

Born Again

When we live, we die. When we die, we live. The cycle repeats itself and when the horses stop, we dizzily step off the platform and look back and say, "Wow! That was fun!." We find enjoyment in the experience an so seek another. Auditing is like... 10 May 2001

Riding The Moon Beams

Waves and emanations originate and terminate. They come from somewhere and they go to a place of extinction. This is really very obvious by just about any standard, but let's see if I can take it just a bit further. In order to view waves and... 10 May 2001

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