Tag: life
Hurry To Worry
Though there are few among us who proclaim the harmony with which we are all endowed never-the-less it exists. From imagination to determination the mental process evolves. This is not a detriment by any degree but merely a marker upon which... 23 Dec 2021
We Still Are What We Are
Stretching the lie with which we have coddled and nurtured ourselves with, how do we come to know that what we believe is no longer an option. Where is it in time and space that we will find ourselves pondering and wondering about our current... 29 Jun 2020
By The Shore of Our Dreams
Where is it that we find ourselves when our eyes abruptly disturb the slumber with which we have embraced and endured ourselves with throughout the ages of Man. When the clock strikes twelve are we able to divine meaning or is it just another... 24 May 2020
Sidelined With Meaning
How do you help someone who does not wish to be helped. How do you provide an alternative view to someone who willfully sees no other. How can understanding create turmoil as a way for awareness to take note. What is the purpose of entertainment... 09 May 2020
Pick Me Coach
Oh the pressures and pleasures of life. As we make and bind our way down the road of experience the tendency is to seek out new life, new civilizations, to boldly go where no Man has gone before. In the thirst for escape nothing and no one will... 02 May 2020
Life Is To Be Lived
With all the talk about 'safety' and 'security' in order to 'keep people safe' is there any thought whatsoever of the context which this lies within. In a dangerous and dark society there becomes a 'need' for safety and security. In an open and... 16 Feb 2020
Hearing Is Not Seeing
In the twilight zone of life and living there are many strange occurrences which occupy both our time and attention. In the playground of the mind there is a tendency to lose one's self amongst the mirror and mirrors of our divine nature.... 02 Jun 2019
In the Middle of the Night
Passing through the nether regions we find that in our determination things are just as they should be. That's not a statement many would accept at first glance but in our realm it is something quite the opposite. We all have our albatrosses... 02 Oct 2018
The Beauty of Life Described
As you know I have moved you. From hither to thither you have traversed the chasm of life enduring the pitfalls as well as the mountain tops from which the wind still carries your presence - and persistence. In perpetuity you cannot change... 28 Jun 2018
Broken But Not Stirred
It's true, all of it. I am not a flesh being. Yeah, you might think I am because I complain about the body's dislike for one thing or another but... so what. It doesn't change anything, I'm still out here in the nether reaches just... 31 Oct 2017
I'm Trying But I Just Can't Do It
The world beckons with outrageous tentacles writhing this way and that as a heat-seeking missile looking to meet up with it's target. Once joined as one, another victim can be added to the ever-growing list. Record keeping has got to be a bear. 31 Oct 2017
Boogie Woogie
In the words of the Great Saint Peter... let's get the hell out of here! Yeah, he did say it but don't quote me on that. As a matter of fact don't ever quote me because I have nothing to sell and when I try to give it all away it becomes a... 30 Aug 2017