Tag: man

In Case Of Fire...

In case of fire run like hell. In the same way that not all claiming to be innocent are, when storms brew and unleash the only reason to be caught out in it is to already be in a state of ignorance. Sure, there are surprise renditions, but... 21 Jan 2016

Laying Waste To Sanity

Man on this planet is such a curious thing, bordering on the edge of fright. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that animals do soil their own nest. But that is in appearance only because my answer is that perhaps, just perhaps,... 03 Apr 2015

A Funny Story

The fluctuations of battle require a sense and sensibility of occurrences both large and small. If one were to miss significance then disastrous results are but guaranteed to come knocking on one's door. There is no waiting for clues when all... 05 Aug 2014

Sweet Dreams

The weather is fine and dandy, the food pleasant and filling, the company agreeable. Everything is quite balanced and harmonic. Nothing to see here, move along. Some things never change and in appearance the embrace of stupidity is held out as a... 13 May 2014

Seditional Insurrection

Lately it seems that a few updates are in order. In that atmospheric environment the following play-book may be relevant. contact via mental, physical constructs contact via mental, physical constructs fear establishment degenerate... 25 Jun 2013

The Thought-fullness of Thinking

This is being written in the format of a gentle introduction. "I think, therefore I am."... 02 May 2013

The Bite

"May you live in interesting times." For all the glitz, glamor and intrigue, some illusions just don't make it through the sniff test. While it's true that most people will happily follow a trail even when it is based upon partial truths... 01 Dec 2012

Here Fishy, Fishy

Bert and Ernie, companions of fishers of Men, called to the deep blue sea, "Here fishy, fishy!" whereupon the sea would produce it's glory, jumping into the boat wriggling to and fro with vigor and vim. Yes, Life does indeed have this quality... 20 Nov 2012

Spiritual Embolism

Times come and go - regular, like the clockwork stroke of the hour, on the hour. Yes, time does indeed subscribe to the march of the wooden soldiers. Endlessly one can view the vista from the comfort of one's lawn chair and delegate to some... 16 Oct 2012

Giving One's Birth-Right Away

The Creator is that which created man-kind. In It's infinite capacity of Creation man-kind is but one page out of an encyclopedic volume which knows no bounds, at least from man's perspective - and this is the perspective from which we... 12 Apr 2012

Thought Transference

The tides of time weave shapes and colors of all sorts of designs and yet alone at the end of it all the potential remains yet unfulfilled. That very same potential endures in completeness none the worse for wear and tear. It really doesn't... 28 Feb 2012

Project Looking Glass : The Merging of The Timeline

Cubes of color reveal all sorts of golden information but of course if one is not quite attuned in the proper direction well then all sorts of grey area matter become standard fare. Checking the Book of Life it becomes plain to see that was... 16 Feb 2012

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