Tag: peace

Peace in the Time of Turmoil

The only piece which can be found is the missing link and despite even that being iffy, the totality can only come about through devastation, destruction and general mayhem. Do you see the twisted logic behind that? But in the mind's eye there... 13 Aug 2013

What A Great Moment To Celebrate

Peace causes so many symptomatic conditions well worth reading about at the local library, or hall, of records. Hailing to other times and other places cause and effect tends to prolong the experience of Man so much so that the pure enjoyment of... 21 Dec 2012

Hiding In Wolves Clothing

"These are the times that try Men's souls." There are the times just as they always are and let's not forget the other half of the equation - a spiritual being wrapped in a female late-model Ford. It's all the rage no matter the make or model... 08 Jun 2010

FZA: Status Quo

The web site Free Zone America has been put into suspended animation. Well, maybe not so much 'suspended' but more of a tipping one's hat and saying adieu. The web site was great fun in many ways and I had the great pleasure of communicating... 17 Oct 2008

Time Stood Still

Taking a deep breath, drawing in the universe of experiential delight, we sometimes lose ourselves to the lust and glory of immersion. Losing ourselves we take flight and in this fanciful dream-like quality we come to embrace life and death and... 28 Mar 2008

Conflict ala Tribalization

Regionally, the Earth has been carved, divided and continues to be plundered by the various scheming drug lords. Not the so-called 'illegal' drugs, but a drug lord of a different flavor. Perception is the grand design of illusion and as it makes... 14 Mar 2008

Waking Up In A Bed Of Roses

Looking and searching is part and parcel of living the life of hopes and dreams. Evermore on the quest of enlightenment we tend to seek out those of like mind. In this devious play of conquest, we can be assured that our victory will not elude... 13 Mar 2008

In Time Of Need

In time of need, we become needfull. To be "need-full" one must be devoid of need and thereby undertake the quest of full-filling the vacancy. Our cup must be filled to overflowing. In this search and discovery of great intent we relish the... 15 Jan 2008

The Test of Time

There was a time when peace was known throughout the land. Pain and suffering were not unheard of, but these sorts of experiences were something that were not actively sought or desired, but were looked upon as being the byproduct that they are.... 12 Nov 2001


Apollo Twelve was so far man's greatest achievement in space. From the beginning of time man wanted to reach out to the vast unknown of outer space and discover. To be able to reach out and touch the planets was a dream beyond compare. Then man... 09 Aug 1992

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