Tag: 2005

Taking Note Of Ourselves

As we torment ourselves with problems of every magnitude is it any wonder that we have so little time to devote to freeing ourselves from them. When one problem drops away another quickly steps in to fill our life with the livingness we call... 19 Apr 2005

What Are We Waiting For?

Waiting, it is such an interesting game is it not? To hold in suspension everything that exists until such time as we feel that it becomes 'our' time. As the clock ticks by, so too, do we. Where is it that we are headed as we hold ourselves in... 18 Apr 2005

Fearing The Wolf Devouring Our Souls

Awareness and insight do not come to those who mindlessly bask themselves in the glow of darkness. Surrounding oneself with hegemony feels good to those who hold the reins but make no mistake about it, when one is on the other end of those reins... 17 Apr 2005

Life, Before And After

I haven't visited the wacky newsgroup alt.clearing.technology in a long, long time. I wouldn't recommend the newsgroup _to anybody, but I was interested in reading the posts, if any, made by the few people that I know to be actual Scientologists. 15 Apr 2005

Life's Purpose

We are all born and we all die. This is true in both a physical sense and in a characteristic fashion. If one know's that our current life is nothing but a continuation of our previous ones then it can be surmised that each and every life has a... 15 Apr 2005

Getting Caught In Our Own Web

The levels of Scientology can seemingly go on forever. Who, in their right mind, would ever desire such a thing? There are those who say that the Bridge is incomplete, that more 'research' needs to be done, that the Bridge is only a starting... 15 Apr 2005

Muscular Apathy

Here in the fascist United States of Doom the social engineers cater to the elitists who, of course, have nothing in mind but their own purposes and plans. And since anything repeated enough creates boredom, these engineers constantly change... 15 Apr 2005


Knowledgism is derived from Alan Walter's study of Scientology. This, apparently, gives it an air of legitimacy. One of the things that Knowledgism, and Walters, put much emphasis on is the 'spiritual teammates' concept. Harvesting and... 14 Apr 2005

Ill-Gotten Gains

Who killed CBR? How is it that the people who proclaim themselves 'keepers' of CBR's writings use them for their own purposes? How is it that people like Ralph Hilton whose life's purpose is to study, and try to make sense of, LRH's technical... 14 Apr 2005

Electronic And Such, Warfare

Well, I see that a few 'peeps' are up in arms suddenly. I wonder what I could have possibly done to cause such an attention getter. Who, me?! Just to let a few natives know:... 14 Apr 2005

A Few Oddz 'n Endz

I'm expecting user registration is to be up and running soon, but I do not guarantee that things will go smoothly. At the moment I do not have a lot of interest in thoroughly testing all the things that should be tested. Sometimes, it's best... 13 Apr 2005

Me And The Filbert

Years ago, after going through Excalibur Revisited I knew that I had to meet this guy. To clarify, 'going through' meant that I spent very little time on processes and procedures as this had little interest for me. What really got my attention... 13 Apr 2005

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