Tag: being

Fishing At The Edge Of Time

Coming to the water's edge we bait the hook to see what will come our way today. Eagerly awaiting the purpose of life we sit for a spell and gaze into the far reaches of our imagination, seeking and yearning for the thing which exists just out... 22 Jun 2010

Tracking The Scent Of Man

Efforting in fear requires some small sense of egocentric ideological thinking in that we are what we must be and therefore should accept such. Engaging in dialogue, the tendency is to master the route to conviction through self deception and... 12 Feb 2010

Doing The Creation Balance Two-Step

Creeping slowly upon the sleeping, the unawares, effectual time comes inevitably knocking on our door seeking recompense. Karma in it's insistence on becoming real nourishes us with it's delectable delights and yet we always seems to mourn... 27 May 2009

In The Still Of The Night III

Quietly, silently, mute. The reign of terror slowly comes to an end and what remains then is a silence deafening in it's display of creation. As all things shout from the very bottom of their being, "I live!" so too does the end of the reign of... 06 May 2009

Cycles Of Action

While undergoing the process of movie making a director will declare, from time to time, the word 'action!' to denote the start of reproduction and after another time period, 'cut!' to declare the end of union. All actors then go about their own... 03 Feb 2009

The Wildfire Of Our Being

Burning rubbish, we turn away our nose from the stench of the after-life wafting on the air hoping that it doesn't stick to our clothes. Helplessly, we remain rooted, gazing upon the wispy contrails of our own imagination in play. Whether in... 19 Aug 2008

Separation Anxiety

Against all odds, we are. Nothing can change that and no one can deny it. We exist because we contain the knowledge of being. We know that we are through our exhibition of activity and so we can, and do, anything and everything possible in order... 07 Feb 2007

The Fallacy Of Chaining Technology

Following chains of related targeted items in order to release the top level symptoms of disagreement is not always in the best interest of the process itself. The purpose and plan of being the bloodhound as one follows the scent is a bit rigid... 01 Nov 2006

Break On Through To The Other Side

In order to create the perfect environment for ourselves we must first create the concept or idea. After clearly imagining our creation we then take the next step of reaching physical fruition. But, of what use is this system of action? Do we so... 19 Aug 2005

Speaking With A Forked Tongue

Listening, we hear ourselves and create the reverberation in which our decisions 'come to be'. Outwardly, we express our desires and so the process gains momentum and speeds it's way towards others of like mind. Saying what we hear, we feel no... 30 Jun 2004

Uniquely You

We carry our characteristics when ever and where ever we go. How else will our friends be able to recognize us? There is a core of our being that remains the same through thick and thin. No matter what 'experience' we have subjected ourselves... 30 Jun 2004

Make Believe

Into the hearts and minds of those around us, do we wish to invade. We want to become known and in that reflection we gaze deeply at ourselves and behold the wonder. The wonder of being, as reflected by our creations is truly a wonder indeed.... 14 Apr 2004

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