Tag: universe

Foundational Beings

A basis exists upon which the building of all else resolves. It's not the first cause nor the last but something entirely different. Looking through the telescopic lens of a reality that does not exist we see many a sight to behold. All... 21 Jan 2022

Waging An Honorable War

There is no 'honor' in war. There is no 'honor' is disparaging conversations where the listener becomes the oppressed. Plowing the fields with negative intent destroys not only 'society' but 'human' nature. There is no way out so why the hurry... 17 Jan 2022

Walking In The Shadows

It's true, I do keep a low profile. It's not about relegating an ego to the waste bin nor is it about standing firm against the tides of good and evil. All things in this universe ebb and flow as nature intends. There isn't anything we can... 04 Jan 2022

Engaging Overdrive

Time is of essence. If you believe that then surely the Easter Bunny is not far behind. There always seems to be this thing called belief that hangs in the air emanating odors which could be classified in the 'unpleasant' category quite... 10 Nov 2021

Riddle Me This

In the last twilight of our dreams waking moments drift as if upon the sands of time. Wandering the streets of fire we eventually come to a dead-end pass where the good guys and bad guys deserve their just reward. From one side of the fence to... 21 Feb 2021

Ignoring The Ignoble

Pestering sentiment requires one to be of solid mind and in so doing reclaim a forgotten template of things past. There is no movement and so with a dearth of time dependent occurrences there comes a time of determination of which few will... 31 Jan 2021

The Writing On The Wall

In the night of our dreams the boogy-man comes a'calling. At least that is the way of the world as told by our betters. Authority always rises and falls, sometimes relegated to the back burner and other times right there in your face. There is... 08 Dec 2020

Tilting The Wheel, Filling In The Gap

Lots of stuff is happening these days, especially as the gods practice their bowling up in the heaven of dreams. There are plenty of lines in the sand all across this 'mysterious' universe where a huge cast of characters display their wares. The... 20 Nov 2020

I've Seen It All Before

In speaking there is never very much to say or even express. It's pretty obvious that we all share a common bond and in order to acknowledge it's very existence we honor it with our silence. Busy minds can be contagious but like any dis-ease the... 30 Aug 2020

Nothing Much Happens Here

Here is where not much of anything happens. Not even close to noteworthy are the events which pass before the field of so-called vision like ghosts from beyond the nether regions. Though events may enjoy a subsistence life-style in both micro... 10 Aug 2020

Where's Waldo?

To live in interesting times makes and creates some very good tales to tell around the campfire. It seems we are in the time of revealing. What one thought of as being 'real' has the king's bare nakedness in full revelation. We see not what we... 07 Jul 2020

Are We?

Peeking out from behind the veil of silence, all that we see is ourselves. All that we feel is our presence. All that we know comes from us and defines us. Emboldened by our hopes and dreams we love to alter, change and amend our environment... 06 Jul 2020

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