Tag: existence

The Writing On The Wall

In the night of our dreams the boogy-man comes a'calling. At least that is the way of the world as told by our betters. Authority always rises and falls, sometimes relegated to the back burner and other times right there in your face. There is... 08 Dec 2020

Lost In Listening

It's been said once or twice that things are just so for a reason, that things are made and unmade in the image of that which perpetuates the existence of our nature. In looking in the mirror, not of life and Living but of Eternity we... 27 Oct 2020

Here And No Where Else, Part II

Here is where it all happens, everything. Nothing is left out, abandoned, covered up or just plain ignored as if it has no existence. Believe me, existence covers a lot of territory. But as we all share a commonality, direct lines are common... 16 Sep 2020

We Still Are What We Are

Stretching the lie with which we have coddled and nurtured ourselves with, how do we come to know that what we believe is no longer an option. Where is it in time and space that we will find ourselves pondering and wondering about our current... 29 Jun 2020

I Ate The One Who Cared Enough Not To

First a story. Partaking of the riches we place before us we tend to lean back in our chairs as if in an afterthought all the while digesting our humble beginnings and determining that yes indeed, we have overcome fate to the point where we are... 16 Feb 2020

Twisted Paths, Serpentining Our Way

There is a lot happening these days. It could even be conjured that so much is happening, that the mind just cannot keep up. Not that it ever could but please don't tell the children that because killing the Tooth Fairy is not always a good... 28 Oct 2019

Constructing The Perfect Image

The wayward mind, the cleft of unity; all things become possible when they already are. Being in existence the shadows dance upon the walls of illumination and that illumination is but the light of ourselves casting it's warm glow upon the... 26 Oct 2010

Sailing The Dangerous Waters of New-Found Territory

The exploration of new Lands is always looked upon with an excitement born from the ashes of boredom. In the killing of creativity interest goes willy-nilly out in the vast 'unknown' kingdom called make believe. It is this new territory... 25 Oct 2010

Basking In Narcissism

Expressing our endless right to be, do and have all that we wish for ourselves, we come to fully embrace the perpetual expansion of the rippling effect upon our universe of the drop of our being upon the canvas of life and living. In this moment... 16 Oct 2007

Feeling For Existence

It can be said with certainty that the symphonic movement of pieces upon the Board of Life is in full swing, as it always is. Sometimes when we color our world it becomes quite rosy and then, with a simple twist of the wrist, all changes before... 12 Sep 2007

The Body Electric

Whatever one's background, from wherever one takes a point of view, it can be readily determined that our bodies tend to become our House of Worship. We live, eat and sleep the entirety of our existence within this abode and an enormous amount... 28 Aug 2007

There Can Be Only One

The moments of now in which we strive to escape, ever haunt our days and nights. There is nothing left but what we have envisioned for ourselves and in the seeking of rightness, we find the errors of our ways. Uncovering the secret, we keep the... 30 Jun 2004

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