Tag: attention

Battling The Defensive Forces

I am my own enemy. Have you ever woken up one morning and straight out of the blue just decided to change your own thinking, just because you can. Have you ever taken on the responsibly of being in two, or more, places at once just so that every... 01 Feb 2015

Decifering Crypto-Analytical Confobulation

How about that title, is it not a doozy?But that is the purpose of what you read in the papers, see before your eyes through media presentation and hear from the proclamations generously handed down from the duly elected body of... 21 Jun 2013

The Bite

"May you live in interesting times." For all the glitz, glamor and intrigue, some illusions just don't make it through the sniff test. While it's true that most people will happily follow a trail even when it is based upon partial truths... 01 Dec 2012

Here Fishy, Fishy

Bert and Ernie, companions of fishers of Men, called to the deep blue sea, "Here fishy, fishy!" whereupon the sea would produce it's glory, jumping into the boat wriggling to and fro with vigor and vim. Yes, Life does indeed have this quality... 21 Nov 2012

The Scientological Infestation of Thought

It's true, the subject of Scientology had my interest and in some ways still does. But perhaps not in the way you may think. I spent a few years in the organization, even signing the zany Billion Year Contract. At the end of it all I can say... 22 Mar 2012

Startling Ourselves Awake

Time continues it's merry trek across the space of our dreams and one can only wonder at the wonder of it all. If it is too good to come to pass then surely the heavens agree, is it not so? Unfortunately The Gods Are Kind Indeed and though... 21 Mar 2012

Why Live the Illusion When It Is Not Real

One of the things that I have mentioned quite a bit is that no one can be forced to do that which they are unwilling to do. There are those who make it their life's work to break a person so that they become willing. Breaking the... 13 Mar 2012

The _Human_ Form

Being human is no different than a spiritual being. Being one thing or another is just that - going to the costume party in full regalia. We are what we are so delving into one's nature seems if not downright silly then at least worthy of... 16 Feb 2012

A Sight For Sore Eyes

In changing we promote decay as the old must pass the test of time to never return... or does it? Events seemingly beyond our control force us to follow the spiral to it's bitter end. Down, down into the depths of our own torment do we plough... 16 Dec 2011

Come In To The Parlor...

"Come in to the Parlor." said the Spider to the Fly. Man or woman the Spider reveals some interesting facts about human nature. ('Human' as in the characteristics Man takes upon himself for fame and glory.) Competition knows no bounds when prey... 15 Nov 2011

Killer Klowns

There is a movie called "Killer Klowns From Outer Space" from which this derives it's name. The movie is ridiculous but the message is not.... 04 Aug 2011

Through The Eye of Newt

Perception is an interesting phenomenon where views can come and go altering itself into strange beasts along the way. Through the placement of attention perception becomes defined thereby altering our being. We see all that we see - at least... 28 Jul 2011

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