Tag: destiny

Escaping The Inescapable II

Running is good exercise. It is also important to breathe. Destiny has a way of opening our eyes to what this little thing called life experience wishes to bring forth upon us. It really doesn't matter what you do, how you do or with... 07 Dec 2023

Jumping To Conclusions

Peeking into the future is like unveiling the bride. It's not always an appropriate or even necessary thing to do. Human nature requires a never ending push into the so called unknown. There must be more, always more. That is the point... 13 Nov 2023

The Revolution Kicks Off

As we propel ourselves in an 'unknown' future we become like the circus act, a shooting star of amazing ability. Just look at us perform! Are we not the amazement which defines our character. In seeking we find our foot steps which somehow... 10 Nov 2023

Jiggy, Jaggy

Okay, the jig is up. Adjusting to this and that can be a seemingly endless task to endure. It can take forever and a day to come to terms with where it is that we have found our selves. Eventually, we all land and upon termination... 08 Nov 2022

Favoring One-Sided Propensities

As we look upon the face of the Earth we 'discover' all sorts of non-sense. From corner to corner there is just too much to take in and relish. As we prioritize our flights of fancy the vision narrows and continues to narrow until such time as... 25 Sep 2022

A Commentary on the Commentary

Life has no meaning. There, I've said it. Proposing significance where there is none takes courage. Putting one's self out there for all to see is great, especially when it becomes motivated by 'outside' influences. We all become so that we... 01 Aug 2022

The Fallacy of Seeking

Looking and seeking can be a full time job. There is always some pull by those who wish to have you create a different reality for your self. There is also those who push as well but that is a different topic of discussion. Higher learning... 29 Aug 2020

From Here To There... And Back Again

Actually, there may never be a going back. But that is true for us all, we do not go back. It's always forward whether it be looking, seeking or just plain wanting to be a 'better' being. All that is swept under the carpet from a time point... 12 Jul 2020

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