Once Upon A Time

There is no essence in time since it simply does not exist and space is but a convenience for the appearance of separation. As we wander and wonder down the path of ignorance we tend to find many fellow travellers doing the same. If misery loves company for those who dislike the crowds it may be best to find alternate means of travel. All roads lead to Rome anyway so what's the hurry to pick and choose this one.

We all seem to have our own sense of humor and as it expresses that which tends to stand in the background, comes to the fore. Sometimes we just can't help ourselves.

In exacting due regard the stage becomes set for the carrying out of a pre-planned escapade and as it unfolds before our very eyes, we sometimes, though not always, see. What one sees another may whole heartedly find abhorrence but in all cases the truth remains, steadfast and immovable. What was still is so nothing has changed in the slightest.

In appearance we may take on new forms and new ways of expression but in reality we wind up right where we began such nonsense. Are we really living the experiential dream from which we can report back. What's the point when the outcome is as well known as the creation of such. Are we really the hamster just doing and living out what is required of us or is there something else afoot.

I propose to you something else is afoot.

If we look into the eyes of our mirrored image do we not find that which sees. And as we focus on the outward expression we wonder at the proposition for we already are. Surely there is purpose and plan for playing the game of life and Living. As we act out our role do we find success or do we do it all over again in the hopes and dreams that something else will come of it all. Is there really a way out.

All the world is not a stage because it's existence cannot be assured. As we dream it seems so real. Some never wish to awaken while others curtail such in order to put it to bed. Every day is another day in which to fulfill one's fantasy. Killing the messenger serves no purpose. Living a life of denial is no life at all.

As we move forward in time and space please realize that the play is not real. In evolution progression becomes paramount. It's a trick of the imagination of course but don't let that stop you from enjoying it's fruits.

There is no where to go and no time nor space in which to do it all. This is not for now but for later so please overlook it's essence in order to carry on.

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