Tag: earth

The Seven Gates Of Hell

For a change of pace, here is some entertainment for you. The Seven Gates of Hell (affectionately called :) )... 31 May 2001

Earth To Starship OmegaSolution (recommissioned)

Take a look. Above the planet you may notice a starship that has been parked in a stationary orbit for a number of months (there are actually several, but I am referring to one in particular). Normally undetectable, certain electronic measures... 18 Sep 2000

Controllers? I Think Not!

Earth has been called the 'Prison Planet'. It's also been called 'Paradise'. As a matter of fact, it's been called just about every name in the book, but so has every other planet in the universe. Being here is nothing special and it is no... 25 Jul 2000

Walking Among The Dead

Many firmly believe that the souls who walk the Earth exist only in a sleep state. Some dedicate their entire lives to defining precisely what this sleep state is and correlating their assumptions with everyday life. Examples abound, but what of... 20 Aug 1998

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