Tag: Mindless Wanderings

Wiling Away The Hours

There is always news of some sort to make the headlines. There is always some play being acted out on the public stage strictly for public consumption. "It is all for the common good." "One needs to know these sort of things." _"Being... 26 Sep 2011

Peeky-Peeky, I See You

In the deafness of the hour what is it that shall remain? What is it that remains alone and aloof in the darkness called conscious awareness? To be aware is to be and in remaining so fixated upon the destiny we humbly call ourselves Movement... 06 Sep 2011

Killer Klowns

There is a movie called "Killer Klowns From Outer Space" from which this derives it's name. The movie is ridiculous but the message is not.... 04 Aug 2011

Through The Eye of Newt

Perception is an interesting phenomenon where views can come and go altering itself into strange beasts along the way. Through the placement of attention perception becomes defined thereby altering our being. We see all that we see - at least... 28 Jul 2011

Bunker Buster: The Darkness Eluded

Scientology has been around a quite a while. While the current fashion statement called 'religion' is darkness in dress the philosophy, the actual philosophy has it's basis rooted in a history long lost to many a mind but this article is not... 16 Jun 2011

There Is Only Me

When the moment is reached where there is nothing but one's self what it is then that happens? What is it that drives Man to sustain and perpetuate the belief that something is better than nothing. What is it that exists beyond the edge of... 24 May 2011

Sparking The Great Divide

The great divide is but a chasm of ignorance from on one corner of the universe to another. Between the opposition lies the truth of all being which is nothing but who and what we really are. Needing nothing we relent and so we find ourselves in... 05 May 2011


Quiet. In the stillness of nothing what is it that encompasses awareness so as to enable the perception of such? What is it that provides the movement in order to see, hear, taste and touch. At arms length we live a life in the fast lane and yet... 16 Feb 2011

You Are What You See

This website uses the phrase "you are what you see" as a sort of slogan or mantra in order to create a common basis of understanding... 17 Jan 2011

Suckling The Teat of Despair

It's all the rage. From every corner of the universe a select few stand out amongst the crowd and proclaim the answer to whatever it is that you are looking for. The ultimate answer as the solution to Man's woes and concerns, your woes and... 11 Jan 2011

Grazing On The Fields of Play

Boundaries by their very nature require limitation and lack. Of necessity action dictates movement across the plains and fields of time. From one square to another the mobility of noble kings and queens stake and lay claim to territory already... 03 Jan 2011

Drawing Down The Flame

Burning through the hearts and minds of Man retribution leaves little to be desired. In playing we pay and yet the evil of contrary motions provides little in the way of recompense. Actions speak louder than words and yet the winds do hear the... 29 Nov 2010

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