Tag: perception


The explosion of unobtrusive completeness. It's true, we are complete. All the searching, 'discovering' and 'learning' means little as that which we are is already extant. There is no way forward or 'back'. In gazing at the mirror we can... 08 Nov 2023

Down The Alley of Opportunity

There is always a 'way out'. There are no closed doors ever. What we may think is not always so. Our perception is driven by our desire and in so 'seeing' all comes into focus. As we create so shall we live. Is there really a god.... 11 Oct 2022

The Fear That Binds Us

As we create our universe we tend to envelop ourselves with ourselves and in so doing become what we see. As we are there is no separation. We are what we are and in expanding our scope all shines brightly before us. It's all an illusion of... 04 Oct 2022

Bits And Pieces

It seems as if we are fed bits and pieces along the way, ensuring and guiding us along some particular path of which we are completely ignorant. It's a lie of course because we know what we know. There is no escaping our selves. Along the... 13 Sep 2022

Portals of Imagination

Since we all know by now that time does not exist, portals of dimension can be addressed. Not really addressed but brought up for a lookie-see. Perception is like that, brought about by propagation of ideas and cemented in relationship into a... 07 Sep 2022

Understanding The Un-Understandable

The mind of Man is encompassed with boundaries from which there is no escape. Thinking will not set you free from what thinking has wrought. Again, there is no escape. Dropping connections, we see that the line's viability increases. By... 30 Aug 2022

I Rest In Your Arms

The Universe, through it's astounding embrace, provides. There is just no other way to put that. If all is then we are.... 08 Aug 2022

Galactic Intervention

It's no secret that there is more to this world than meets the eye. There is also much, much more to this Universe than meets the eye. Perception is like that, 'deadly' in it's effects. There is no escaping the inescapable. Around the block... 17 Jul 2022

Condensing It All Into... This

There is no such thing as 'life'. Our so-called 'perception' is but a tiny, tiny glimpse into a knowledge that escapes or again, so-called understanding' pf what is and is not. As we move from place to place we see that our environment... 31 Jan 2022

Wandering the fields.... of Life

Life presents it's self in many, many ways and forms. Just when we think we've got it all figured out wham!, a curve ball comes our way. I don't like sports. Mostly because of it's big following, as if it means some thing or another. It... 30 Jan 2022

Wishing Upon A Star

Wishing upon a star against the backdrop of the deep dark blackness of space, loneliness comes full circle and impacts the ground below and above our feet planting us firmly upon the firmament of time, space and the joy of sorrows yet to come to... 21 Jan 2021

I've Seen It All Before

In speaking there is never very much to say or even express. It's pretty obvious that we all share a common bond and in order to acknowledge it's very existence we honor it with our silence. Busy minds can be contagious but like any dis-ease the... 29 Aug 2020

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