Tag: bridge

In The Order Of Things

Games, debate, discussion, or whatever label is attached to a post requires that we demand a response. More correctly, it would require that a predetermined effect be expected as a result. Otherwise, there would be no communication. Most... 19 Jul 2011

Hours In The Chair

I recently noticed the following extract, posted by Ralph Hilton to the Marcabian bulletin board called alt.clearing.technology: From: Ralph Hilton <ralph@fzint.org>Newsgroups: alt.clearing.technologySubject: Re: Ron on... 28 Aug 2008

Getting Caught In Our Own Web

The levels of Scientology can seemingly go on forever. Who, in their right mind, would ever desire such a thing? There are those who say that the Bridge is incomplete, that more 'research' needs to be done, that the Bridge is only a starting... 15 Apr 2005

Ill-Gotten Gains

Who killed CBR? How is it that the people who proclaim themselves 'keepers' of CBR's writings use them for their own purposes? How is it that people like Ralph Hilton whose life's purpose is to study, and try to make sense of, LRH's technical... 14 Apr 2005

Me And The Capt'n

Captain Bill Robertson, was the first person to create a public awareness that the Free Zone existed, a fact which we all can be grateful for. CBR also created a number of works on his own that expanded and solidified the upper part of the... 12 Apr 2005

We Do Not Disparage

Nothing here at FZA is meant to persuade or convince anyone of anything so please do not overlay your own thoughts and ideas on top of what you find here. All should be taken at face value and in doing so, if one finds something of value, then... 12 Apr 2005

Passing Time

There are many ways to pass time. One could wander off the path through the jungle and go 'native', exploring all the back alleys and such. That would be one way. Another way could be to 'explore' one's spirituality, just to see what one could... 14 Apr 2004

Awaiting Your Arrival

It could be looked upon that in the entirety of existence there is the one and only path of true knowledge. All others would then be viewed as being subservient and therefore frivolous. Is there one and only one way to achieve spiritual freedom?... 14 Apr 2004

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