Tag: Mindless Wanderings

Sailing The Dangerous Waters of New-Found Territory

The exploration of new Lands is always looked upon with an excitement born from the ashes of boredom. In the killing of creativity interest goes willy-nilly out in the vast 'unknown' kingdom called make believe. It is this new territory... 25 Oct 2010

The Man In The Mirror

'Man' is not being referred to here as that over uni-sexed version world dominion lovers embrace. There are two different spellings of 'man', one with a capital 'M' and one with a small 'm'. The small 'm' version represents man-kind and is all... 20 Oct 2010

When The Blind See...

Being 'human' requires borders and boundaries within which one's existence can be limited, contained and channeled. Hearing the voices of despair we become it and drop this non-sense of individuality. Nurturing a 'good' and obedient gang of... 18 Oct 2010

In God We Trust

As of late there has been a number of interesting forays made by the so-called ruling elite. Hacking their way into the dense reaches of the jungle of life and living supper is being looked forward to being on the table very, very soon. As... 18 Oct 2010

Boasting of The Timeline

Working in secret there are no secrets and so when the word comes down the pike who is it that gives and receives? Dastardly deeds never go unpunished and yet the few remain. In confusion the scattering of the winds forces us all to look anew at... 11 Oct 2010

Life Removed

Progressively the downward spiral into solidity promises a golden future of life - of a life 'new and improved'. New experience beckons the kids and as ever onward the marching steps of authority comes to be endured one can be assured that new... 17 Sep 2010

The Code of Honor : No. 6

Today I would like to address number six of the Code of Honor. ... 14 Sep 2010

Subtle Energy Movement

The Shifting of the Sands has begun. Movement near and far engages us all and though consciousness may fail to take notice never-the-less said movement evinces changes. Sometimes during a reality shift nothing 'different' comes to be known... 13 Sep 2010

Observing The Obvious

Sitting back and observing the obvious from an unattached perspective is called, in some circles, obnosis. One cannot detach from illusion unless one recognizes that there is an illusion in the first place. This is part of _observing the... 09 Sep 2010

Circumventing The Inevitable

Eventually all events come to pass. In thinking, all thoughts comes to be pondered. In being, all experience unfolds. So what becomes of us? What becomes of us where limitation comes to be exceeded, to be broken and cast away as the refuse that... 07 Sep 2010

Freedom Rings True

Listening to our Hearts we stand in silence - deaf, dumb and blind. Blinded by our own beingness we take flight and in fancy delight we gleefully take experience to another level, another state of beingness. Up where the clouds fly by our... 07 Sep 2010

Perfect Union

In order to form a more perfect union what are the means to do so? What tools are available to mortal man which will enable him to overcome his own failings, his own sense of self-importance in order to rise above all else so that the Great... 22 Jun 2010

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