Old Operational Guidance: Navigational Overview

This website is the summation of several previously separate websites which have been brought together and categorized by data collections. These data collections are all accessed via the navigational menu bar located towards the top of every page. By selecting one particular collection other sub collections may then be accessed. These are dutifully noted in the navigational menu bar as a sub heading. Further sub collections are likewise handled.

Some data collections will be displayed in their original format as found on the originating website.

All originating websites have been modified to redirect to the new locations here.

I've tried to keep the data collection navigation as simple as possible without requiring the visitor to click like mad in order to get back to some particular location. This does increase the navigational menu bar length at times but not significantly so - at least in my opinion.

This website has been formulated in such a way that document presentation is of prime importance. Entertainment, whether by eye candy or flaming discussions is being left to the mental trash bin of ill repute. There are always the needful and the need-full, each with their own self-fulling prophecy. Here, there are no needs so the attention can be squarely placed on much more importance matters.

This website seems to constantly organize and re-organize it's way to an eventual end-point, so don't be surprised to find that a document has been moved, altered or even removed from one visit to the next. There are no guarantees - just like life itself.

Imagine having to take each day as it comes, to find out what effects the universe has in store for you today. Not to find out what purpose and plan you can achieve today, but to be in such a harmonious relationship with the universe that knowledge acquired through intelligence results in the wisdom that you are. Of course that is the long way out, but for some, something is better than nothing.

Perhaps this website can best be summarized as something is better than nothing. But in fact it is this nothing to which all of Man's effort is devoted.

But don't take my word for it because if it isn't true for you it just simply isn't true at all.

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