Tag: perception

Getting The Old Knickers In A Bind

The best laid plans of mice and men. Low and behold as we read the Akashic Records tucked away right in the dust jacket a little note was hidden. Curious as to what the note said or the reading itself? I'm sorry to break it to you but I don't... 19 Sep 2019

A Shallow Breath Away

The times of times are upon us and yet, and yet there is a nagging feeling in the back of this mind that not all is well in the land of Denmark, dreams and especially in the mirror of life, living and the beyond. Here I sit neither in judgment... 06 Nov 2018

In the Middle of the Night

Passing through the nether regions we find that in our determination things are just as they should be. That's not a statement many would accept at first glance but in our realm it is something quite the opposite. We all have our albatrosses... 02 Oct 2018

Breaking The Vow of Silence II

Silence, in a word, is not saying diddly-squat. I've kept to that vow not because of promises made nor of consideration or contemplation but of respect. I do the bow routine quite regularly and it's something that is a part of me. Just because... 16 Feb 2017

Shimmering Waves

You've heard about 'cosmic waves' haven't you? You know the one, about mysterious waves of energy emanating from god knows where but arriving none-the-less and making all sorts of commotion, stimulating 'change'. Cool! Well. I'm here to tell... 15 Mar 2016

In The Day of Reckoning

Karma? If one believes in that sort of thing then it is very, very, and I quote, 'real'. But that is not what this is about. Perhaps it is more than just a turn of the wheel, a spin of the dial or even a time loopy-de-loop on the roller... 27 Oct 2015

What If...

What if the purpose of World War II was to destroy what is called The New World Order. What if the history books and the plethora of 'facts and figures' describing a particular view of that time period were indeed, false, as in completely?... 13 Oct 2014

Conservation of Energy

Wasting a finite resource we are told, is something worthy of disgrace, prosecution and imprisonment - not necessarily in that order. To capriciously and with complete disregard for law and order, waste something of limited and esteemed value... 10 Oct 2014

Asking And Receiving

There is no asking, only receiving. 02 Oct 2014


I am going to try to show the process of hesitation. Strange, but true. When aligning one's self parallel to a particular reality something must be done with the knowledge, insight and wisdom divergent from that reality. Since there is no... 01 Oct 2014

Ex and In

There are two types of perceptive awareness, one I'll call Inclusive and the other, Exclusive. Both sides of the coin rest upon the state of awareness being flat-lined or in other words potential awareness without expression. Now that I've... 29 Sep 2014

Vibrational Tuning

It's like the tuning in of a radio station located well beyond one's surroundings. The physical eyes are preprogrammed for specific frequencies, waves and patterns. Beyond these lies a much different type of perception and one need have no use... 05 Sep 2013

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