Tag: dead and dying

Status Report : March 2010

Originally this report was going to contain but one line but I decided to include some other relevant data for your entertainment, duly noted as Part I and Part II. ... 09 Mar 2010

Bounded By Fear

As an emotional state fear provides us with an enormous amount of experiential delight. It's strong scent of character entices us ever onward into the deep dark depths of obscurity. Running away from the light we fervently seek out the confines... 11 Feb 2010

Charity Is Your Birth-Right

In so choosing to be imprisoned we become a role model and poster child for the feeble minded dominators who not only wish us ill, but who also wish us to remain ever sedated and isolated. Awareness of being requires insight into our very nature... 12 Oct 2006

We Must Live In Order To Die

Forged in a fire which burns coldly in it's heart, waking up is not always an easy or pleasant thing to do. Facing our own torments, we tend to run and hide. Of course getting there is half the fun and so we come to relish the opportunity to... 14 Nov 2005

At The Heart Of The Matter Lies Death

As an island of misfortune we constantly swim against the tides hoping upon hope that our outcome will differentiate ourselves from all others. Surely, we will, and must, succeed in our efforts of domination, control and regret. Turning aside... 14 Mar 2005

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