Tag: happiness

Swallowing The Pill Of Forgetfullness

Expectation can be a killer. Waiting and wondering as we are left in the dark awaiting a final victory which somehow always eludes us. Time and time again we ignore what we do not wish to see and yet weep when consequence comes knocking upon our... 24 Nov 2022

The World Is Hankering For Happiness

An interesting point of view. "The world is hankering for happiness. Everyone is striving hard only for happiness. If this is so, then how is it that instead of happiness, unhappiness and misery result. In these days from peasant to the prince... 28 Jun 2018

The Way To Happiness

Happiness is different for everyone. Some like it hot, some like it cold but all like it one way or another just as long as it gets delivered right to our door, preferably without having to sign for it because if we're not at home it ain't... 17 Mar 2016

Out of Sight, Out of Mind

This section of the Universe is a bit out of the way much like a backwoods outpost stuck in the middle of no-where serving no other useful purpose than of being there, of having or establishing a presence. It's like making one's self known and... 04 Sep 2008

The Way To Happiness: Food-Body

Perhaps you've heard the term "meat-body". It could describe a human on this planet who thinks that all he is is purely himself or his body. The term could also describe a human who, through a carnivorous diet, becomes the meat he consumes.... 04 Sep 2008

Naked To The Eye

When you look at another, what is it that you see? Do you the petty problems of life and living or do you see the unfathomable spirit within, expressing itself in some small way? How we see those around us is a reflect of how we see ourselves.... 28 Aug 2008

Separation Anxiety

Against all odds, we are. Nothing can change that and no one can deny it. We exist because we contain the knowledge of being. We know that we are through our exhibition of activity and so we can, and do, anything and everything possible in order... 07 Feb 2007

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