Tag: website

In Acknowlogement

This website is not about the tried and 'true' belief that popularity ensures relief from one's own dementia. So thank you. Thank you for finding your way here and taking away either something or nothing. There is no popularity contest... 04 Dec 2023

About This Website

See also: About Me In the ebb and flow of time, things happen. This website is but just another cog in the wheel called life and living. Try not to spill any.... 16 Feb 2020

Thought Processes

Sacred Cow Forum: Reflections: Thought ProcessesBy Paul Misiunas on Sunday, December 26, 1999 - 06:35 pm: Thought progresses from one's own individuality and comes alive upon it's interpretation by those who seem to be currently in a... 28 Oct 2019

Hiding In The Shadows

Corporations are such funny little schemes in order to hide one's self in. Oh, it's the corporation's fault, right!? Irresponsibility comes in so many forms with which one can best put to use the schemes and grand plans so evident these... 21 Aug 2018

The Mystery of Man

I don't make myself known. Sure, I've got a website and post the ever-popular 'crazy' notions that things are not what they appear and perhaps even delve into far-out 'imaginings', but that doesn't change anything. I am under the radar... 27 Mar 2018

Security Alert!

I've had this website accessible via https for quite some time now but the one thing that I do not have associated with that is a bought and paid-for certificate. It's self-assigned. Yeah self assigned. I ain't gonna pay someone to tell me... 21 Aug 2017


Adding a note to posts is being considered for those who are so inclined to further or enhance the relevant posting. It's true, I may not always get the words 'right' for everyone and my humor may at times fail to make the appropriate... 25 Apr 2016

Hiding In Plain Site

Here is a note to say that sometimes I add entries, which are all filed by date, and very rarely remove entries from view. There is a time and a place for everything.... 04 Oct 2013

Prest-o Change-o

The change-over of timelines has come to completion. In this once alternate proposition, now the present can be. There has been and is much submission into the theory and theories of what is fashionably called 'ascension'. Though at times I do... 26 Sep 2013

Some Thoughts on the Matter

Since it is now well established that we are in the year of the Lord 2013 I think that it is high time to lay down a few thoughts of this and that and back again. I've changed a few things on the 'back end' of this website just to help me keep... 20 Jan 2013

Old Operational Guidance: Navigational Overview

This website is the summation of several previously separate websites which have been brought together and categorized by data collections. These data collections are all accessed via the navigational menu bar located towards the top of... 18 Apr 2012

The Scientological Infestation of Thought

It's true, the subject of Scientology had my interest and in some ways still does. But perhaps not in the way you may think. I spent a few years in the organization, even signing the zany Billion Year Contract. At the end of it all I can say... 22 Mar 2012

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