Tag: universe

Perfect Union

In order to form a more perfect union what are the means to do so? What tools are available to mortal man which will enable him to overcome his own failings, his own sense of self-importance in order to rise above all else so that the Great... 09 Apr 2009

Blinded By Being Blind

Blindness occurs in nature but is it really unnatural to not be blind? In balance existence comes to be experienced for if it were not so we would be experiencing nothing but ourselves and to a great degree this does indeed stand. In seeing we... 31 Oct 2008

No Change Equals No Case Gain

"Case gain" is a term used to describe the effects of realizations about one's self and the resulting freedom or the freeing up of attention units from those places where it has become fixated upon the experiential track. When these attention... 18 Jan 2008

Where Have All The Players Gone?

Game-play is a wondrous analogy of occurrence and demarcation in a universe built for change. All change occurs because that is it's nature. Any idea that one may possess, perhaps even to fervently hold onto, will eventually morph into something... 03 Jan 2008

Is There A Way Out?

If there is a way out of this Universe why would we take it? Why would one run away or escape unless we do not wish to see ourselves for what we are. If we actually understood who or what we are where would be the necessity to even find a way... 26 Apr 2005

Degrees of Separation

Between the three universes there lies a certain amount of space. Space, as a creation, delineates particular amounts of 'have' and 'not-have' areas. As a general rule, the three universes are addressed in specific ways to make them more solid.... 03 Jan 2002

We Become The Hunted

Away from the crowds of onlookers and gazers, moments of silence come to be filled will thoughts of actions. During the times of least activity, motion becomes highly regarded and when it is not being demonstrated, it is soon to come. Enraptured... 15 Dec 2001

Lights In The Night Skies

There is a relay point in this system around which there is a constant hum of activity. Current events are making good use of this point and there is a fair amount of attention being directed toward the purpose of this relay point. Earth is... 12 Dec 2001

The Test of Time

There was a time when peace was known throughout the land. Pain and suffering were not unheard of, but these sorts of experiences were something that were not actively sought or desired, but were looked upon as being the byproduct that they are.... 12 Nov 2001

What Are You Waiting For?

Once upon a time there lived a man with a vision. Visions are not restricted to psychics, lunatics and the Indian Nation. Visions are restricted to those who care, and this man, who enjoyed life because it consisted of Life, had visions of... 14 Jul 2001

Getting Past The Intellectual Mind

(In response to event sychronicity:)"Rubert's state of mind was in correspondence with your own state of mind, even as you are in some kind of correspondence with your old environment, so in these cases you have a free flow of... 11 Oct 2000

Perceptual Beliefs

The essence of ourselves is the beliefs which we hold so dear. Coloring our universe, we see. What we see, we believe. To know of our existence is but another belief. As beliefs are lies, then what lies ahead for us? Lies and beliefs mean little... 05 Jun 2000

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