Into The Long Goodnight

As we 'progress' into an unknown and unknowable1 future we imagine ourselves. As each step progresses the invention becomes quite apparent to our sense of self. We become that which we perceive and in so doing become that. Are we not the sons and daughters2 of creation?

Seemingly we sleep through the ages of our time and times and yet our understanding supersedes our immediate desires. It's not the short terms goals, it's the long fields play into the seemingly dark and sometimes foreboding night. Every day is but another waking dream until we realize that dreaming is nothing but. We are not that which we perceive but yet we are.

I take no comfort in telling you lies and yet the shadows cast upon perception remains. Don't blame me, I am but not a messenger of noticing that which must be noticed at the moment3.

We are not here to strive for perfect, far from it. As in the blink of an eye all 'happens' and as we sit back and contemplate history we sometimes 'see'. It is not always so and so repetition becomes the order of the day. Why do we even need an 'order of the day'4.

Into the night of tumultuous dreams we somehow 'find' ourselves. It's preposterous I know but why buck the cast of foreshadow upon ourselves in order to 'discover' that which we already know. Nothing in this universe is new.

Eventually we come full circle only to find that nothing has changed nor even altered to the slightest. We are that which we are. There is no remedy.

There is no remedy.

  1. If you believe that you will believe anything. 

  2. Take your pick. 

  3. Oh the tales to tell... 

  4. As the play unravels the plot becomes apparent. Why not just skip to the underlying principals? 

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