Tag: desire

Window Shopping

Walking through Life, we seek the immediacy of experience. When it comes to emotive stimulus, the time of now exists like no other. We want it and we want it bad. Seeking this, we are willing to create any effect, any effect at all, in order... 27 Jan 2001

The Clothes We Wear

Sometimes, there comes a defining moment in each person's life where they can say "THAT" is the point where everything changed for me, "THAT" is the 'why' of all that I am and exist for, "THAT" is the 'reason'. 'THAT' can be anything and can... 19 Jan 2001


Reaching toward the unknown, what stops you from achieving your splendor, other than yourself. Efforting is in the band of desire in which we all walk the walk of life. There is no escape from ourselves. The prison planet theory holds true in... 13 Sep 2000

Here And Now

The here and now is illusionary as is the future and the past. Time exists only for the mind's differentiation. Presence needs neither time nor the mind, but uses these as tools to explore its' self-created environment. The escape of immortality... 07 Jun 2000

Seeing Beyond The ThunderDome

We come to a new place, seeking answers to questions that drive us mad. Within us, burns the desire to "know". Believing that knowing is the ultimate form of self-aggrandizement, we align ourselves with those who can impart their "wisdom",... 23 May 2000

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