Tag: life and living

What A Momentous Occasion To Celebrate

There is always a time of restitution, of zombie-killing feel-good compensation where we can rejoice in our well earned glee of the excitement of a job well done. But what is it that has been accomplished and where do we draw the line of feeling... 06 Aug 2012


The internet is such a wonderful place to lose one's self in. There is a plethora of profit-driven enterprises along with the ever present empty hand extended in expectation. These pointers of existence demonstrate the large and very noticeable... 17 Apr 2012

Startling Ourselves Awake

Time continues it's merry trek across the space of our dreams and one can only wonder at the wonder of it all. If it is too good to come to pass then surely the heavens agree, is it not so? Unfortunately The Gods Are Kind Indeed and though... 21 Mar 2012

Project Looking Glass : The Merging of The Timeline

Cubes of color reveal all sorts of golden information but of course if one is not quite attuned in the proper direction well then all sorts of grey area matter become standard fare. Checking the Book of Life it becomes plain to see that was... 16 Feb 2012

Surviving The Maelstrom* Called 'Me'

The question is - can it be survived? And the answer is, of course, no.... 09 Jan 2012

Coming Face-to-Face With One's Self

Facing one's self is another way of looking in the mirror of Life and Living and coming away with a new respect for what is. All that we see is what we see, no more and no less and when we become enamored with our perspective we glorify... 04 Jan 2012

Come In To The Parlor...

"Come in to the Parlor." said the Spider to the Fly. Man or woman the Spider reveals some interesting facts about human nature. ('Human' as in the characteristics Man takes upon himself for fame and glory.) Competition knows no bounds when prey... 15 Nov 2011

Keeping The Dream Alive II

In the stealth of night we wait hoping against hope that we will prevail and upon the morning's rise of awareness we will see. Unencumbered and free from our own fancy footwork our sense and perception of the great unknown comes to the fore to... 13 Nov 2011

Defining The Definition

Upon taking up the mantle of being with all of it's traits and characteristics the newborn breathes in the air of awareness and breathes out the darkness of ignorance. In so breaking free creation finds a home in which to take up residence. From... 12 Oct 2011

Wiling Away The Hours

There is always news of some sort to make the headlines. There is always some play being acted out on the public stage strictly for public consumption. "It is all for the common good." "One needs to know these sort of things." _"Being... 26 Sep 2011

Hubbard and The Flying Dutchmen

For a number of years I watched as those who came out of the business end of Scientology looked back and pinned the blame on Hubbard. Hubbard this, Hubbard that - it was all the liar's fault and even now as he lay happy as a clam in his grave... 23 Sep 2011

Peeky-Peeky, I See You

In the deafness of the hour what is it that shall remain? What is it that remains alone and aloof in the darkness called conscious awareness? To be aware is to be and in remaining so fixated upon the destiny we humbly call ourselves Movement... 06 Sep 2011

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