Tag: awareness

Forbidden Fruit

There exists a time when all Life began to shine as individual components of something far greater than that small speck of thought, way in the back of the mind, that insistently calls for resolution. Circling, the thought never becomes... 14 Apr 2004

Bad Day At Black Rock

Behavioral scientists have recently discovered that a person's reality is based solely upon their perception of themselves and that as an extension, family, marriage, career and every other associative companionship is completely biased and... 14 Apr 2004

Let's Pretend

With the quiet expectation of what is sure to come, we await our final destiny. Longing for the future, time passes. Waiting, we wait until we are fulfilled. Experiencing the joy of life, we surrender ourselves unto the darkness that is required... 14 Apr 2004

Falling Off The Mountain

Jack and Jill when up the mountain to reach new heights of awareness. After an exhilarating climb, the ascent culminates in victory. "We have reached the top!" they yelled with all their might, hearing the echoes reverberate in the distance.... 13 Apr 2004

Late Payment

In between the lines of stirring emotions, a quiet calm exhibits itself in ways not dreamed of outside of dreamtime. Exposing the thoughts that reside with the heart of Man, truth seeks its source and once demonstrated, it becomes impossible to... 13 Apr 2004

Where I Stand

I stand here and no where else. There is no where else to be other than right here, right now. Where else could I go for where ever I may find myself, there I am. It's like claiming yourself as baggage when you travel. Those are mine.... 11 Sep 2003

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