Tag: Mindless Wanderings
Perceptive Alteration
In seeing a sight for sore eyes can one recognize that the sight being so seen is purposefully altered in order to have it come into alignment with one's own perception? Through intent life happens - it just doesn't happen by it's self.... 18 Apr 2013
Watching The Watchers Watching
Civilizations come and go and in time as another thought bubble makes it's rise, the entire process repeats itself ever onward. So the question must be asked: what is it's purpose? From what definitive circumstance do beings come together in... 18 Apr 2013
Recent Communication
When the night comes all life descends into a darkness that seems to last forever but in reality the darkness is but movement upon the sands of time and like the hourglass which holds the sand in it's embrace, purpose and plan can mean just... 10 Apr 2013
Perceptive Repose
I am going to try to make this as short and to the point as possible. Through the gentle breeze of unbounded awareness perception remains ever vigilant.... 15 Mar 2013
Beauty And the Beast
I've been accused of a lot of things during my sojourn and I suppose that I should openly declare that they are all true. Each and every single dotted 'i' and crossed 't'.... 25 Feb 2013
Aiming Point Blank
Lately there have been a few interesting developments becoming apparent and so I would like to relay the follow: The aims of Psychological Warfare:... 13 Feb 2013
Continuing The Matter
This comes on the heels of my last post. Times are certainly changing, are they not? Personally it looks like I've performed a perfect 180 in the parking lot instead of going, coming instead and instead of coming hither I've gone yonder. Yeah, I... 09 Feb 2013
Some Thoughts on the Matter
Since it is now well established that we are in the year of the Lord 2013 I think that it is high time to lay down a few thoughts of this and that and back again. I've changed a few things on the 'back end' of this website just to help me keep... 20 Jan 2013
What A Great Moment To Celebrate
Peace causes so many symptomatic conditions well worth reading about at the local library, or hall, of records. Hailing to other times and other places cause and effect tends to prolong the experience of Man so much so that the pure enjoyment of... 21 Dec 2012
The Bite
"May you live in interesting times." For all the glitz, glamor and intrigue, some illusions just don't make it through the sniff test. While it's true that most people will happily follow a trail even when it is based upon partial truths... 01 Dec 2012
Here Fishy, Fishy
Bert and Ernie, companions of fishers of Men, called to the deep blue sea, "Here fishy, fishy!" whereupon the sea would produce it's glory, jumping into the boat wriggling to and fro with vigor and vim. Yes, Life does indeed have this quality... 21 Nov 2012
Spiritual Embolism
Times come and go - regular, like the clockwork stroke of the hour, on the hour. Yes, time does indeed subscribe to the march of the wooden soldiers. Endlessly one can view the vista from the comfort of one's lawn chair and delegate to some... 17 Oct 2012