Tag: Mindless Wanderings
Finding The Door
Looking lost, we ever search in order that we may find and in the process we merely lose ourselves yet again. Always on the look-out for something more, our attention continuously wavers day in and day out until, at long last, we pay it no mind... 28 Feb 2007
Separation Anxiety
Against all odds, we are. Nothing can change that and no one can deny it. We exist because we contain the knowledge of being. We know that we are through our exhibition of activity and so we can, and do, anything and everything possible in order... 07 Feb 2007
Enough Already
Fright takes us to many places but above all, it takes us to another step closer to who or what we really are. Through tantalizing experience we get to see what we are made of but since our making all originates out of our selves to begin with... 07 Feb 2007
Escaping The Inevitable
Tiredly we wait and watch for the signs to come. Sniffing the air in desperation, we seek to divine our true nature in terms which we find comfortable and meaningful. It should all be as we think it should be. Despite the shallow attempt at... 07 Feb 2007
Journey Far And Wide
Stretching across the known and unknown universe, the journeying of the thing we call 'us' or 'I' is a long one indeed. Here, the mapping out of our 'fall' from Grace is described and foretold. From out of the center all things come to be,... 22 Jan 2007
The Pirate's Way
Hoist the sails! Let all hear who will listen and see who will look!... 05 Jan 2007
Easing The Pain of Unemployment
When we are bereft we seek. It is in this seeking that gain-full endeavors are brought to bear which of course will always result in pain and suffering. What is it that suffers? It is our own conceptual basis for being. In our creation we not... 05 Jan 2007
The Force Of Mind
Power lies in the ability to "do" things, to have things "get done". The more power one has the more that things will come to fruition the way one desires. We all control our destiny do we not, and in so controlling we bring to bear the power of... 02 Jan 2007
Following The String Back Home
Looking across the vast expanse of humanity it becomes quite readily perceived that something is amiss. In the complex and convoluted process of determination we eventually reach the point of no return. Either we submit to our mind's... 02 Jan 2007
Climbing Stairs To Perpetuity
Ever seeking, we tend to train our minds to always look exterior to our selves, to always focus it's attention and drive in acquiring solutions to our problems from our environment. Once this ingrained thought becomes second nature we no longer... 13 Dec 2006
Falling From Grace
This is a conceptual roadmap plotting the Fall from Grace. The sense of awareness in itself creates and defines a separation from our selves, our own true nature. This is, of course, an untruth as we cannot be separate and apart from our... 06 Dec 2006
Carried Away
In interest we rise and in boredom we fall. Our minds are like silly putty, capturing and embracing all that our senses spy and when change repeats itself, when lack of new, interesting, stimulus becomes vacated, our minds return to it's... 04 Dec 2006